Ghana: 'Hands Off Our Hotels Demo' - Okudzeto Ablakwa to Hold Second Protest in Central Region

Concerns of conflict of interest, and abuse of office prompted the protest, which has gained the support of organised labour and many civil actors

Lead convenor of the protest against the sale of SSNIT hotels, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa says another demonstration is set to take place in the Central Region.

Sharing on X on Thursday, Ablakwa said he and other organisers have agreed to hold another demonstration within the next few days if President Akufo-Addo fails to stop the sale of the 60% stake in the hotels to Agriculture Minister, Bryan Achaempong.

"May I respectfully assure the revered chiefs and good people of the Central Region who have called us for a patriotic partnership to stage the next #HandsOffOurHotels demonstration since they are vehemently opposed to the sale of Elmina Beach Hotel and Ridge Royal Hotel both in the Central Region that we have unanimously agreed and resolved to hold a similar massive protest in the Central Region," he wrote on X.

May I respectfully assure the revered chiefs and good people of the Central Region who have called us for a patriotic partnership to stage the next #HandsOffOurHotels demonstration since they are vehemently opposed to the sale of Elmina Beach Hotel and Ridge Royal Hotel both in... Sam Okudzeto Ablakwa (@S_OkudzetoAblak) June 20, 2024

On Tuesday, hundreds of protesters gathered at the Labadi Beach hotel, and marched all the way to the Christ the King Catholic Church - a few kilometers away from the Jubilee House - expressing their opposition to the disputed sale of hotels owned by the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) to Rock City Hotel, a company owned by Bryan Acheampong.

Concerns of conflict of interest, and abuse of office prompted the protest, which has gained the support of organised labour and many civil actors.


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