Liberia: House of Representatives - Capitol Police in Making

The 55th National Legislature is rolling out series of actions intended to refine and strengthen its oversight capacity in a ways that enhance greater performance, with the latest action being the establishment of its own security force, to be known 'Capitol Police.'

Capitol Police, if established, will have its jurisdiction within domains and confines of the Capitol Building, ensuring proper and adequate protection of the national asset which has seen unfortunate circumstances of burglaries and other national embarrassments.

It is the House of Representatives that has taken the lead in cementing the goal of creating Liberia Capitol Police by passing a bill into law, a decision its Press Bureau said was triggered by a report from its National Security Committee.

The Committee on Security was mandated about three weeks ago to review the possibility and importance of establishing said structure that will aid with the security of the Legislature.

The committee in its report said research and consultations with stakeholders and other relevant expert proved positive to have a special security setup that will provide robust protection for the facility which experienced burglaries and other unwarranted actions in times past.

The Committee reckoned that the issue of Capitol Police is long overdue in the face of persistent and continuous burglaries of members' offices at both Houses.

It also observed that such security body will work assiduously to control and curtail constant intrusion of visitors and protestors on the compound of the Capitol. As required, the instrument has been forwarded to the Liberian Senate for concurrence.

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