Liberia: Boakai, Weah Called to Reconciliation

Reconciliation between former President George Manneh Weah and current President Joseph Nyuma Boakai is said to be importantly germane to the country's tranformation and progress, as there remains uneasy calm since the conduct of the elections that brought President Boakai to power.

Not many Liberians believe that their country is treading positively in the path of genuire peace and reconciliaton in the wake of the accusatory and acidic statements coming from elements of both the ruling and former ruling parties.

Radio talkshows and social media are continously awashed with unaccommodating comments by the state of affairs, which many fear have the propensity to create chaos.

Weighing in on the issue is Rev. George Flomo, President of the Youth of Churches United for Christ who wants President Boakai and former President Weah to see the need to reconcile their political differences in the supreme interest of the country.

Rev. Flomo is of the belief that President Boakai has a vital responsibility to play in ensuring that the country is once more united following the rancurously combative 2023 legislative and presidential elections that left the citizenry divided on political lines.

Rev. Flomo told this paper in an exclusive interview Wednesdayin Paynesville that the two largest political institutons, Unity Party and the Congress for Demcratic Change, have a long political history of being bitter archrivals in the national body politics, and stressed that if the two leaders, as heads of their respective parties, fail to mend fences, the country could degenerate into an unfortunate tension that could have adverse effects on the overall progress and tranformation of the country.

"Since 2005, CDC and UP have established themselves as the two major political parties in this country; it is like a two-party state. CDC took power from the UP in 2017, and now it is UP in power after taking power from the CDC last year. You can see how the country is going evidenced by what hear on radio daily. As soon as you switch on your radio, you will listen to callers, either fanatics of the CDC or the UP. This also plays out on the social media," he said.

Rev. Flomo insists that the solution to Liberians enjoying peaceful governance process under the UP will depend on President Boakai's willingness to reconcile with former President Weah, adding that both leaders should ensure and commit themselves to such reconciliation process, ensuring that their messages are peaceful in a way their followers can take similar approach towards reconciliation and unity.

Rev. Flomo also urged the youthful generation to emsure their actions and messages or statements are peace focused and driven, making sure to do away with acts of violence.

President Boakai and former President Weah are yet to sit together in one-on-one meeting or at a public event since January's inaugural ceremony at the Capitol Building.

It is observed also that President Boakai has not mentioned his predecessor in any public gathering as a form of acknowlegement and appreciation for his stewardship over the nation six years ago.

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