Liberia: Senate Pro-Tempore Defends Retreat Budget

-- Says it was legitimate

The recent claims of "Senate off-budget spending" allegedly made about the recent retreat held in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, have prompted Senate Pro Tempore Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence to offer a detailed response.

Karnga-Lawrence clarified that the US$47,000 expenses incurred during the event were legally funded from the Senate's Committee budget line.

She refuted assertions of a separate DSA budget line for Senators, emphasizing that such claims are baseless and inaccurate.

During the Senate'as Thursday, June 20, Sitting, the administrative head of the Senate, Karnga Lawrence also dispelled rumors that the Liberian Senate has a DSA budget line and that stories about Senators getting DSA are false and misleading. She assured the public that the Senate operates within the confines of the Constitution and established rules.

She also clarified that as the President Pro Tempore, she serves as the official spokesperson for the Senate, cautioning against unofficial reports regarding Senate activities that may be misleading.

"The Senate operates by the constitution and rules and the rules provide for one spokesperson for the Senate and that the President Pro Tempore, therefore all information about the Senate retreat in the Public that has been used to target senators is unofficial," she said.

Notably, the Buchanan retreat yielded several beneficial outcomes, including an agreement to undergo a comprehensive review of the Senate's financial management system by the General Auditing Commission (GAC).

This review will lay the groundwork for the establishment of a more efficient financial management system, digitalization efforts, and the development of an open Senate website. The Senate aims to enhance transparency by publishing its budget and financial information on the website.

She said: "At the end of the process, all information, including publishing the Senate's budget and financials, will be on the website. The Senate is also working with the CSA on employee headcount to streamline and build capacity for efficiency in the Senate.

These initiatives are laudable, and we are grateful for the cooperation of the entire Senate.

Moreover, the Senate plans to deliberate on proposed amendments to its rules during the upcoming session scheduled for Tuesday, June 25th.

Once these proposals are endorsed, the updated rules will be published to guide Senate proceedings and interactions with the public.

US$42.8K Used for Senate Retreat, of US$47k Disbursed

Senator Prince K. Moye, Chairman of the Senate's Ways, Means Finance, and Budget Committee, reiterated the commitment to transparency and accountability under Pro Tempore Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence's leadership.

Senator Moye clarified that the actual budget for the Buchanan retreat was US$50,000, contrary to rumors of a US$700,000 expenditure. He told a press conference on Thursday that the US$50,000 recast budget was sourced from existing line items to cover all costs associated with the retreat, with US$47,000 disbursed by the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning for various expenses, including feeding, accommodation, staff compensation, and security measures.

"The total amount of US$42,840.00 was used for all the activities in Buchanan, including lodging, catering (US$4,000), and the amount of US$3,000 for media coverage, among others.

Dispelling speculations that the Senate was insensitive for spending huge amounts of money without consideration for the impoverished population, Senator Moye stressed that under the leadership of President Pro-Tempore Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence the Senate will continue to tread on the path of transparency and accountability.

Providing clarification on the actual amount used for the Senate's Buchanan Retreat, Senator Moye vowed that the institution will do everything to maintain transparency and accountability, and will remain open to provide information to the public at all times.

Senator Moye asserted that as opposed to US$700,000.00 allegedly claimed by some media outlets and political pundits in the public space, the total budget of the retreat was US$50,000.00.

According to Senator Moye, the US$50,000.00 represents a recast budget, which was derived from previous line items (Constituency Visit and Committee Hearings), to facilitate all expenditures covering the retreat.

The Bong County Senator also clarified that out of the US$50,000.00 requested, US$47,000.00 was disbursed by the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, of which US$42,840.00 covering feeding, accommodation, DSA, Staff Compensation, and Security operations was expended, with an outstanding amount of US$4,160.00 (unexpended) on hand up to date to be deposited in the Senate account.

The Chairman of Ways, Means, Finance, and Budget cautioned media outlets to desist from making what he called unfounded allegations, unbacked by evidence and challenged anyone to come forth with anything contrary to what he has provided to the media.

The Bong County lawmaker emphasized that the Senate will continue to walk the path of transparency and accountability in the interest of the Liberian People, under the ARREST agenda.

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