Nigeria: Court Convicts Beninois Men of Assault in Lagos, Adjourns Theft Case

The police described the convicts as trans-border robbers from the Republic of Benin.

A Lagos State Chief Magistrate's Court in Badagry on Friday convicted Beninois men - Sossou Marc, 34, and Wesu Abdulraman, 30 - for assault.

The police also charged them with felony and breach of peace in the case.

N. A. Layeni, a chief magistrate, sentenced them to five years imprisonment each after they pleaded guilty to assault.

However, the chief magistrate gave the convicts an option of N500,000 fine each.

Separate case

The convicts also face three counts of theft in a separate case.

The magistrate adjourned the hearing in the pending case until 18 July for mention.

Earlier, the prosecutor, Edet Ekpe, an inspector, told the court that the convicts committed the offence at about 12.10 p.m. on 15 May in Pipeline Area, Imeke, Badagry.

Mr Ekpe said they stole a bag containing N276,500 belonging to Chinyere Onwuka, the complainant.

"They pushed the complainant from a motorcycle after stealing her bag, which contained N276,500. She sustained injuries all over her body.

"The convicts conducted themselves in a manner likely to cause a breach of peace.

"The convicts are trans-border robbers from the Republic of Benin. They came to Imeke on a motorcycle mainly to steal.

"The complainant has a POS shop at Imeke," he said.

The offence, he said, contravened the provisions of sections 411, 287, 297 and 168 of the Criminal Laws of Lagos State, 2015.


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