Nigeria: At Private Parley With Ramaphosa in Jo'burg, Tinubu Seeks Potent Ties With SA

21 June 2024

Abuja — President Bola Tinubu, yesterday, held a private meeting with his South African counterpart, Cyril Ramaphosa in Johannesburg, where they both canvassed stronger ties.

Before the closed meeting, which was held at Radisson Blu Hotel, Johannesburg, President Ramaphosa, according to a release, by presidential spokesperson, Ajuri Ngelale, thanked President Tinubu for honouring the invitation to attend his inauguration for a second term in office.

"Thank you so much for coming for the inauguration. I was very happy to see my brother at the ceremony," the South African President said.

On his part, President Tinubu noted that President Ramaphosa's inaugural speech captured most of the challenges faced by African countries and the need for more collaboration among leaders and citizens to provide solutions.

"I really enjoyed your speech at the ceremony. I was delighted listening to you. We have lots of issues in common, and we need to work more closely together. It was a good celebration," the president stated.

President Ramaphosa was re-elected into office for a second term on Friday, June 14, 2024, following an agreement for a Government of National Unity between the African National Congress (ANC) and the Democratic Alliance.

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