Ghana: Elections 2024 - Akufo-Addo's Govt Is Mired in Corruption, Brazen Thievery - John Mahama

According to John Mahama, the prevailing conditions have led to a fall in national morale and widespread hopelessness among the people of Ghana.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer, John Mahama, has called on Ghanaians to seek a new direction in governance amidst the nation's deepening economic woes.

Mahama took to his X (formerly Twitter) on June 21, 2024, to express his concerns about the corruption, nepotic tendencies, and mismanagement of national resources by the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia government.

"Unspeakable corruption, nepotism, brazen theft, waste of national resources, impunity, and general criminality have become the hallmarks of Ghana's current government," Mahama said.

According to him, the prevailing conditions have led to a fall in national morale and widespread hopelessness among the people of Ghana.

He also called for a change in leadership while declaring his candidacy for the presidency and vowed to revive hope and prosperity in Ghana.

"With the national spirit sinking to an all-time low and hopelessness engulfing our country, a change in governance and direction is imperative. That is why I have decided to run for office as President," he said

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