Liberia: 17yrs Tongue Chopper Incarcerated!

- A-25-year old man identified as Darius P. Siryon has been incarcerated for allegedly chopping the ear of a 17 years old boy in their outland community in Paynesville.

The defendant was arrested, charged and subsequently forwarded to the Monrovia Central Prison for onwards prosecution by the Liberia National Police.

The action of defendant Siryon is in violation of Chapter 14, subchapter A section 10.1 Chapter 14, subchapter A section 14.20 of the Revised Penal Code of the Republic of Liberia.

He was turned over to the Crime against Person Unit (CAPU), investigated and charged with the crimes of Criminal Attempt to Commit Murder and Aggravated Assault, for purposely and intentionally amputated victim Henry Giddings tongue from his mouth while attending a wake keeping of a lady on February 5, 2022, in the Out Land Community in Paynesville.

According to police in-depth investigation also revealed that the victim along with his parents and defendant Siryon had been living in Outland Community, Paynesville.

The police charge sheet revealed that, on February 5, 2022, during the night hours while on the wake keeping of a lady, defendant Siryon took victim Henry to a nearby old security boot that is within a fence for reason best known to himself and used his teeth to cut victim Henry tongue from his mouth after which the victim amputated tongue was discovered in the grass, hours later victim was taken to ELWA Hospital for medical treatment by his mother Angeline Peabody.

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