Nigeria: Sokoto Govt Speaks On Alleged Plan to Dethrone Sultan

The government's spokesperson, Sambo Danchadi, in a statement, on Tuesday, clarified an executive bill before the State House of Assembly.

The Sokoto State Government says the speculation about an alleged plan to dethrone the Sultan of Sokoto, Abubakar Sa'ad, was the work of mischief makers.

The government's spokesperson, Sambo Danchadi, in a statement on Tuesday, said an executive bill forwarded to the State House of Assembly has no provision (s) to dethrone the Sultan.

The government's clarification followed Vice President Kashim Shettima's comments on the development cautioning the state government about the development.

"In all developmental issues in this country, His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto, I want to use him as a point of reference to recognise and appreciate all our royal fathers present here," Mr Shettima had said.

"And to the deputy governor of Sokoto, I have a simple message for you. Yes, the Sultan is the Sultan of Sokoto, but he is much more than that; he represents an idea, he is an institution that all of us in this country need to jealously guard, protect, promote, preserve, and project for the growth of our nation," Tribune Newspaper quoted Mr Shettima as saying at the North West Peace and Security Summit in Katsina on Monday.

Below is the full statement from the Sokoto Government

Following the submission of a bill by the Sokoto State Government for the amendment of the Law on the appointment of Traditional Rulers to the Sokoto State House of Assembly, after its passage by the State Executive Council a few weeks ago, some faceless groups and individuals harboring doubtful intentions, have inundated the Social Media with cooked up stories aimed at tarnishing the good name of the Sokoto State Government.

We had wanted to remain silent and ignore the write-ups because they have mostly been written by anonymous individuals, but due to the excessive discussions they have generated and the fear that the misinformation they contain, could further misguide innocent members of the public, we have been compelled to offer some explanation.

The mischievous rumour mongers are alleging among other lies that:-

1) The bill in question will seek to dispossess the Sultan of the power to "appoint, suspend, punish, transfer etc any traditional ruler down to the ward head"

2) that the same powers shall be wholly, completely and entirely vested to the Governor without having to consult anybody"

3) that " how the Sultanate Council will react to this political change, re-inventment or amendment will go a long way to determine its survival".

The Sokoto State Government wishes to remind members of the public that ever since the creation of Sokoto State out of the defunct North-Western State to date, spanning through the reign of the late Sultan Abubakar 111, to Sultan Ibrahim Dasuki, Sultan Muhammadu Maccido (all of Blessed memory), indeed up to the present Sultan, His Eminence Muhammadu Saad Abubakar, the Sultanate Council has always remained responsible in both Law and Practice, for Collating applications of all aspirants to the thrones of District and Village Heads.

The Sultanate Council has been responsible for shortlisting and Submitting recommendations of three Candidates to the Governor for approval. It has been the Governor, who approves One of the recommended Candidates for appointment as District or Village Head. It is at this point that the Sultanate Council conveys the Governor's approval to the appointee and subsequently arrange for his turbanning by the Sultan.

It was only in 2007, during the reign of Governor Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko, when the Law was amended to give Sole Powers to the Sultan to appoint Village Heads without recourse to the State Government. This has been the practice up to date. Indeed, the essence of resubmitting this bill for amendment is not in any way intended to alter the already existing Powers of the Governor or the role of the Sultanate Council in the appointment of District and Village Heads.

For the avoidance of doubt, the bill will soon be on the floor of the State House of Assembly for all to see. In other words, the amendment is only seeking to align the law with what has been in practice for decades. The amendment also seeks to review the tenure of Local Government Councils from Two to Three years for better and more effective performance of the Councils.

As far as the Sokoto State Government is concerned, its relationship with the Sultanate Council has always been cordial and will continue to remain so.

All mischief makers are therefore seriously advised to find alternative means of dissipating their energy.


Sambo Bello Danchadi

Commissioner of Information and Orientation


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