Liberia: Like Yellow Machines, Like Buses

- As NTA Comes In Self-defense After Public Outcry

TNR :in the case of the 285 pieces of earth-moving machines publicized by the government before clarifying that there was not agreement with any company following public pressure, another big elephant has shown face in the room, this time around about the National Transit Authority (NTA) publicizing two buses with no prior information.

Bombarded by intense public criticisms and pressure, the national transport entity denied entering into any agreement with companies for the purchase of three hundred buses as widely reported or insinuated.

NTA Deputy Operations Director, Noah Gibson said the buses in question were in country "for testing purposes", but not on account of any contract or agreement with a particular foreign company.

"Yes, two buses are in the country but we have not consummated any agreement," Gibson emphasized.

In his words, it is true that the NT A is looking at several options or agreements with several companies who are interested in getting involved with this private-public partnership.

Gibson said the Company in question, Markopolos, a Brazilian company based in Ghana, is one of several companies that have expressed interest in doing business in Liberia with the NTA.

He told OK FM Morning Rise that the NTA Management saw it prudent to have requested the Company to bring two sample buses into the country for testing, to observe and assess their capability to ply here, considering the terrible road condition of the country.

"If there is a need for us to have them, we will now get into the agreement and tell the factory to manufacture the buses that will meet our road condition," he said, while denying that the entity brought in the country huge number of buses.

"There are plans on the way to bring in buses, but we are looking at every other option, most especially the one that will benefit the Liberian people," he added.

Mr. Gibson further disclosed that the NTA does not have the financial strength to purchase three hundred buses, stressing that the NTA will enter into a private-public partnership for the amount of the buses.

Just as social media was awash with display of 285 yellow machines the government reportedly procured, so it is with several pieces of buses, which government fanatics are portraying as fulfillment of President Boakai's promises to the nation

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