Nigeria: Motorists Lament Deplorable Road, Traffic Gridlock At Mushin

Motorists have lamented the deplorable state of the Agege Motor Road in the Mushin area of Lagos State.

They expressed dismay over the state of the road, which is dotted with large potholes at Empire, Olosa, Idi-iro and Moshalasi bus stops, saying it causes heavy traffic jam.

City & Crime observed that the dual-carriage road, which serves as a link to the Lagos-Abeokuta expressway and Ojulegba, to the National Stadium in Surulere, has become an eyesore, causing a nightmare to motorists.

The chairman of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) in Mushin, Taiwo Niniola, attributed lack of proper drainage as the cause of the poor state of the road, saying that whenever it rains, the road becomes flooded, which damages it.

"The road was fixed last year, but since January, we discovered that there are potholes. And the drainages are not wide enough to contain the amount of water that passes through it when it rains. So, when there is heavy rain, the water spills to the road and it becomes flooded, which invariably damages it.

"From here to Olosa, motorists experience traffic gridlock for over four hours. When we get to the front, we will discover that the traffic gridlock is caused by vehicles driving slowly to avoid the ditches," he said.

He called on the state government to come to their rescue.

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