Nigeria: Terrorists Kill Another Nigerian University Lecturer

The incident in Katsina was the second time in less than 10 days that terrorists killed a university lecturer in Nigeria's north-west.

Terrorists have killed another university lecturer in the banditry-prone Nigerian North-west region.

Tiri David of the Federal University, Dutsinma (FUDMA) in Katsina State was killed on Tuesday by bandits who also kidnapped two of his children during the attack

The deceased was the Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension, and Rural Development at the university.

Residents said Mr David was killed at about 1:30 a.m. at his residence in Yarima Quarters, a housing estate in Dutsinma Local Government Area.

They said the terrorists invaded the community, shooting into the air with sophisticated weapons as they moved straight to Mr David's residence where they killed him and abducted two of his children.

The police spokesperson in Katsina, Abubakar Aliyu, confirmed the incident to reporters but said he could not immediately provide details.

The incident in Katsina was the second time in less than 10 days that terrorists killed a university lecturer in Nigeria's north-west.

PREMIUM TIMES reported how the terrorists, locally known as bandits, killed Yusuf Saidu, a professor in the Department of Biochemistry and deputy vice-chancellor of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto.

Mr Saidu and his driver were waylaid on a terror-ravaged highway linking Zamfara and Kaduna states, according to sources in the university.

Attacks by terrorists are frequent in some states in the North-west including Katsina, Zamfara, Kaduna, Sokoto and Kebbi states.

Terrorists have turned several parts of the states into a war zone and made lives difficult for residents, mostly agrarian farmers, with impudent attacks on roads, farms and homes.

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