Ghana: NIA Staff Want Executive Secretary Prof Attafuah Removed

Professor Kenneth Attafuah is being accused of poor leadership - from infractions of labour laws to lack of innovative ideas as a leader

Staff of the National Identification Authority (NIA) have petitioned President Akufo-Addo to sack the Authority's Executive Secretary, Professor Kenneth Attafuah.

In a petiton dated July 1 to the President, they cite issues of poor leadership and unfair labour practices as the basis for the petition.

The letter details how some staff haven't been issued appointment letters and allowances despite occupying acting positions at district offices. Mentions are also made of unfair dismissals and the interdiction of five workers beyond the three months.

Prof. Attafuah is additionally accused of lacking innovative ideas to manage the Authority, as issues of Ghana Card registration still persist.

"His staff have absolutely lost trust in his administration and can no longer work with him in confidence. These coupled with infractions in the labour laws and SSNIT Acts are enough justifications for his immediate removal from office without further delays," the petition said.

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