Liberia: Two Cannot Walk Unless They Agree - the Cases At the LDEA and the Ministry of Labor


The saying that "two cannot walk unless they agree" is a thought-provoking biblical saying from the Book of Amos 3:3, but with serious implications on every aspect of life, including politics. Indeed, two individuals cannot walk together as a team if they do not agree. This inspiring verse points to the reality that the only way for any two individuals, irrespective of the context or the kind of job they do, to effectively work together and enjoy each other's best output, is to actively agree to do so. Without this agreement, no two individuals, no matter how long they pretend or manage the situation, cannot walk or work together in peace.

The situation of top government officials not agreeing to each other and at times engaging in fist fights is an old age problem in our governance system. Similar situations which were seen in President Charles Taylor led government and the just ended administration of President George is gradually creeping into the Boakai's administration. During Former President Charles Taylor's regime, Former Information Minister, the late Joe Mulbah and his deputy, Milton Teahjay were always engaged in fist fights and war of words while during the just ended administration of Former President, George Weah, Former Commerce Minister, Prof. Wilson K. Tarpeh and his deputy, Mrs. Jemima Wolokollie were always at each other throats with war of words or accusations and counter-accusations.

This ugly act of deputies engaging their bosses and top government officials not walking or working together and engaging in war of words or fist fights is gradually creeping into the current administration, with the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA) being the first and now the Ministry of Labor. To be honest, this kind of behavior is not good for our country, particularly, this virgin administration; and if swift actions are not taken by the head of the government to put this ugly act to stop, the practice might spread to other government functionaries.

Team work or walking together in agreement is very important in any institution, because collaborative problem -solving leads to better outcomes and people are more likely to take risk and perform well if they have the support of each other. Walking or working together and as a team encourages personal growth, increases satisfaction on the job and leads to innovations. So, if ministries and agencies of our government are to honestly and effectively do the jobs to which they were established, their bosses need to walk and work together in agreement and stop fighting one another. There are many challenges this current administration needs to take care of; and if those who are responsible to assist the president cannot agree and work together and stop fighting amongst themselves, one would wonder how they can really realize the change we all are yawning for as a nation.

Working or walking together in agreement or as a team is a collaborative effort that leads to the achievement of a common goal or help complete a task in the most effective and efficient way. Working or walking together in agreement or as a team is significant for any institution's success and promotes a positive work environment where respect for each other will be entertained. Similarly, working or walking together in agreement or as a team promotes a sense of unity, creativity, innovation, motivation and collaboration, which are keys to the success of any government or institution.

On the contrary, if people do not work or walk together in agreement or as a team, especially when fighting to bring about the change promised the Liberian people during the campaign of our just concluded elections, performance becomes poor, goals are not achieved, and bad examples are set for others. Equally so, lack of team work and not working or walking together in agreement leads to work not getting done well or on time, and the desire outcomes cannot be achieved. Under this kind of working environment, individuals successes and achievements tend to overshadow the institution's or team's successes and achievements, a situation that is anti-success.

Hence, if the current administration truly wants to effect positive changes in our country as promised during the elections and really wants the people of liberty to love Liberia, think Liberia and build Liberia, President Joseph N. Boakai, Sr. needs to put his feet down hard on this ugly practice by taking the necessary actions at ministries and agencies of government where the heads and deputies are not working or walking together to serve as a caution to others and restore sanity to said ministries or agencies. President Boakai needs to act now as any delay or playing politics with this unbecoming act on the part of senior government officials will send a negative signal to the people of Liberia and our international partners. Long live our common patrimony and may God bless our land.

The Author

The Rev. Dr. Slewion P. Lewis is an ordained priest of the Episcopal Church of Liberia who currently serves as Dean for the Emmanuel W. Johnson College of Theology at the Cuttington University Undergraduate Program, Director of Theological Education of the Episcopal Church of Liberia and Priest-in-Charge at Grace Episcopal Church in Sugar Hill, Gbarnga, Bong County.

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