Liberia: NPA Anchors Players Complain Management to LFA Over Termination of Contracts

Monrovia — Players of Liberia Football Association's second division team, NPA Anchors, have lodged a complaint with the LFA, alleging unfair contract termination by the club.

The club, relegated to the second division at the end of the season, informed the players months after the league's conclusion that they were rebranding and no longer required their services. A letter from the National Port Authority Sports Association, dated April 23, 2024, and obtained by FrontPage Africa, declared all players and coaches' free agents after receiving their April salaries.

The letter stated:

"I present my compliments and write to inform you that due to the poor performance of the NPA Anchors Monrovia, the leadership of the National Port Authority's Sports Association has decided to rebrand the team. This move is solely intended to reinvest and better prepare the team for the next league season and all future encounters. In view of the aforesaid, you are hereby declared/rendered FREE Agents immediately after the disbursement/payment of April 2024 salaries. However, the Association, through a newly constituted Technical Committee, will be glad if any player desires to rejoin the team following rigorous justification and screening."

The communication was signed by Malcolm Scott, Secretary and Vice President for Administration of the club, and approved by Hon. James Richard Bernard, Chairman of the Board of NPASA. Copies were sent to Sekou A.M. Dukuly, Managing Director of the National Port Authority, and Joseph T. Hinneh, Comptroller.

NPA Anchors, promoted to the first division last season but spending only one season in the top flight, aims to reset the team by seeking new players and technical staff to achieve their goals. However, the decision has not been well received by the affected players, who plan to challenge it.

In response to the club's communication, the players argued that the termination was unjust as they still had valid contracts. The players stated:

"Based on the information we received from the National Port Authority Sports Association (NPASA) on April 23, 2024, terminating our contracts after April 2024 salaries, and declaring us as free agents immediately after the disbursement of April 2024 salaries, we do not agree with this decision. We have contracts with NPA Anchors Monrovia that run from September 2023 to September 2025. As it stands, we have one year and six months left on our current contracts. We, the aggrieved players - Jahem T. Sieh, Coacious B. Nimely, Benjamin S. Beayee, Janjay N. Tommy Jr., Daniel A. Weah, Kelvin Samson Johnson, Matthew Logan, Adolphus Tarpeh Forkay, Yakouba S. Kamara, Mustapha P. Kiahon, Prince A. Massaquoi, and Zee Kanneh - are asking the management of the National Port Authority or the NPA Sports Association to pay out the full amount left on our contracts ($150.00 USD per month)."

The club has not responded to the players' counterclaims, prompting the players to escalate the matter to the LFA for resolution. On June 17, 2024, the aggrieved players officially complained to LFA Deputy Secretary General Mohammed A. Sheriff, who was acting Secretary General, about the unlawful termination of their contracts.

"We, the players of NPA Anchors Monrovia, write to your honorable office to inform you about the illegal termination of our contracts by the management of the National Port Authority without reasons. We are still under contracts with the National Port Authority (NPA Anchors), and our contracts run from September 2023 to September 2025. Therefore, we are kindly asking your good office for a speedy intervention," the players asserted in their complaint to the LFA.

FrontPage Africa has learned that NPA Anchors have refused to appear before the LFA to discuss the players' claims. Our sources indicate that the LFA's legal department has decided on the matter but is still giving the club time to settle with the players. The LFA has reportedly given NPA a three-day grace period to respond after a previous one-week communication sent to NPA Anchors. If the club does not respond, the matter will be referred to the "Players Status Committee."

"They also told us that NPA will not receive subvention funds and that they will hold back the supply of footballs and other materials from FIFA," said a player.

"This is our job, and we signed contracts and have been working, so why would they terminate our contracts? Can they do this to those working in the port? Or do they think football is not important?" a player told FPA Sports Desk.

One may wonder why the club would make such a decision without paying off the players. For a club to terminate a player's or coach's contract before it expires, there must be consultation with both parties, and an agreement must be reached to part ways mutually. In the case of NPA Anchors, it appears the club did not discuss this with the players before releasing the statement to the public.

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