Liberia: CDC Secretary-General Koijee Alleges Army Deployment At Airport Was Intended to Harm Ex-President Weah

Former president Georges Weah

Monrovia — The opposition Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) has claimed the action by the Unity Party-led government to deploy personnel of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) was a well-designed plan to harm former President George Weah.

Over the weekend, former President Weah and his wife, Mrs. Clar Marie Weah, returned home after a month abroad. A large crowd had gathered at the airport to welcome them. Although the arrival was peaceful, the significant presence of the army raised concerns, with many questioning the motive behind their deployment.

Minister of Information, Culture, and Tourism Jerolinmek Mathew Piah defended the AFL deployment, citing a threat from ex-President Weah's supporters.

He explained that the crowd had threatened to burn down the airport terminal if not allowed entry, necessitating AFL presence to ensure security.

Mr. Piah did not point out any possible threat from CDC's partisans, however, he warned former President Weah to control his supporters and stressed that security measures were in place to prevent potential threats to national stability.

Speaking to journalists at the headquarters of the CDC in Congo Town on Wednesday, the Secretary General of the party, Jefferson Koijee, says the act of deploying the army upon the arrival of their political leaders is a sign of "declaring war" not just on Weah's supporters but the entire Liberian public.

"The Roberts International Airport has its securities and they were present. Deploying the AFL, we think it is a calculated attempt to harm Mr. Weah. Mr. Weah's life is under threat under Mr. Boakai," SG Koijee said.

He added: "To take the army and deploy them, the army that is supposed to be used for extender issues and cautious issues -the action of Mr. Boakai to instruct the army to come out -is a clear definition of war on the people of Liberia."

Contrary to the Information Minister Piah's statement, the Secretary General of CDC said supporters of Weah had nothing with them that could pose a threat to the airport facilities. Rather, they had gone to the airport to welcome the former president, adding that the Unity Party-led government orchestrated a plot to endanger the former President's life and plunge the country into chaos.

"It is unthinkable that a government will call the Army out on armless civilians who posed no danger to the security of the state," Koijee said.

He added: "The Government of Liberia under the Unity Party and President Joseph Nyumah Boakai intended to kill our political leader like the Donald Trump scenario in the United States of America recently."

"We are grateful for the commitment of the ordinary people who were present and averted the danger that was at hand," SG Koijee said.

The CDC SG said, "Mr. Piah talked about CDC supporters threatening to burn the airport, the Government's action to bring the army out against the former President was the real threat that could burn not just the airport but the entire country had the people not shown up to protect the former Liberian President against that plot."

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