Nigeria: Refinery - Dangote Now Feels What Nigerian Business Owners Go Through - Aisha Yesufu

21 July 2024

Social and political critic Aisha Yesufu has lamented Nigeria's treatment of its own enterprises, urging collective support to ensure the success of the Dangote Refinery.

This plea comes after the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA) revealed that the refinery has not been licensed to begin operations.

NMDPRA Chief Executive Officer Farouk Ahmed disclosed that the refinery is still in the pre-commissioning stage and has not received the necessary licensing due to concerns over the quality of its petroleum products.

Ahmed stated, "So, in terms of quality, currently, the AGO quality in terms of sulfur is the lowest as far as a West African requirement of 50 ppm."

Reacting to a social media user's call for sanctions against the regulatory authority for its claims, Yesufu urged Nigerians to voice their support for the refinery.

She highlighted the challenges faced by Nigerian entrepreneurs without government connections, noting that Dangote is now experiencing similar hurdles.

Yesufu tweeted, "Nigeria kills its own. I truly agree with you, the refinery should not fail. All hands should be on deck to ensure it succeeds. Alhaji Dangote @AlikoDangote now feels what Nigerian business people with no government connections have always felt and gone through. How dreams are stolen and destroyed. Just yesterday LandMark got its share and there was silence from the business community.

She emphasized the importance of speaking out against injustices affecting businesses to prevent such issues from recurring and impacting others.

"When you speak up when others are affected, it is to ensure that a stop is put to such injustice so it never gets to you," she concluded.

Vanguard News

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