Liberia: 'Don't Scare Away Investors'

"If there are issues, we should resolve them through discussion rather than actions that stall progress," says Eric Sando Perry, chairperson of the affected communities in the operational areas of the Western Cluster concession.

Eric Sando Perry, chairperson of the affected communities in the operational areas of Western Cluster, has voiced strong concerns regarding the ongoing suspension of the company's Road User Permit. Perry asserts that this measure could deter potential investors and stall critical development initiatives in the region.

In a recent telephone interview with Pumah FM in Tubmanburg, Bomi County, Perry expressed frustration over the government's approach to managing issues with Western Cluster.

"The continuous suspension of the Western Cluster Road User Permit has the potential to scare away investors," Perry warned.

He emphasized the importance of dialogue and negotiation over punitive measures and, "rather than suspending operations, we should sit down, discuss, and find solutions to move forward."

Perry highlighted the detrimental impact of the permit suspension on both the company's operations and the affected communities. He noted that such actions not only halt the company's development projects but also negatively affect the local population.

"Western Cluster is here to mine our ore and provide job opportunities for our brothers and sisters," he said. "If there are issues, we should resolve them through discussion rather than actions that stall progress."

The community leader also revealed that a recent meeting was held involving Western Cluster, the National Investment Commission, and the Ministry of Mines and Energy, with a focus on reverting to the Mineral Development Agreement (MDA).

During this meeting, Perry disclosed, government entities required Western Cluster to take full responsibility for several local institutions, including the Liberian Government Hospital, C. H. Dewey Central High School, and Bomi Junior High School.

In response, Western Cluster agreed to these demands and committed to additional initiatives such as constructing a regional school in the affected communities and collaborating with local cooperatives to cultivate 100 acres of farmland to boost agricultural development.

While Perry acknowledged these positive commitments from Western Cluster, he criticized the government's decision to persistently suspend the company's Road User Permit.

He argued that such suspensions hinder the company's ability to implement its pledged projects, including the construction of the regional school and the management of local hospitals and schools.

"For Western Cluster to fulfill its commitments and contribute effectively to the community, it needs to be operational," Perry stated.

Furthermore, Perry cautioned that the government's actions could have broader repercussions for the country's investment climate. He warned that continued suspensions and confrontational approaches might discourage other investors from entering the country.

"The government's approach could deter potential investors," he said, stressing that a focus on dialogue and resolution is essential for fostering a positive investment environment.

Perry's comments reflect growing concerns among local communities and investors about the impact of government policies on regional development and economic growth. His call for constructive dialogue and resolution underscores the need for balanced and collaborative approaches to address issues affecting both companies and communities.

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