Liberia: Boakai Rise Up - You Are Sleeping Too Long


We appreciate America. We will rise and fall with America. Only Robtel and her handful of supporters around Joe Boakai do not appreciate America. 99.999% of Liberia appreciates America and agrees that America has given Liberia more than it has received, but as Joe Boakai himself said in 2017, Liberian leaders have "wasted opportunities." In 1987 Liberia mismanaged millions in PLO 480, wasting millions of America's taxpayers' money.

Robtel is blaming America for Liberian leaders stealing and mismanaging foreign aid. Since 1946, America has given Liberia $20.8 billion, but it has all been mismanaged by Liberian officials. These officials are incompetent, corrupt, and have no love for their fellow citizens.

Facts: America built your military and police. America provided you with water and electricity. America gave you VOA, a CIA spy post, and $4.9 billion in debt relief. America finances 75% of your healthcare, education, and basic infrastructure. America ended Ebola, gave you free COVID-19 drugs, ended your civil war, and takes in 90% of your refugees who are now working in America and sending hundreds of millions back to Liberia.

And then you take an inexperienced and unskilled PhD from an unknown school to say America has taken more from Liberia than it has given. This is the most ignorant and uninformed statement.

Ellen Sirleaf was rightfully advocating for America to put its Africa military command in Liberia because of the stability, credibility, and investor confidence such facilities would bring. Because of VOA, the CIA outpost, and Liberia being labeled America's "stepchild," millions in investor money flowed into Liberia in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Does this inexperienced academic understand the geopolitical and economic benefits of being allied with America? No, she does not. Sadly, she provided no math, economic, or financial analysis to show what Liberia has given America versus what America has taken. She has no data to back up anything she said. She has no clue about geopolitical and political economy considerations. No real work experience, much less a livable skill set.

But again, some would call this free speech. While we accept free speech, it allows me to call her statements bullshit, incompetent, and foolish.

Surprisingly, the JNB administration has been characterized by crisis after crisis and allegations of corruption, illegal acts, and backdoor dealings. Is this really a Rescue Mission or another scheme to defraud Liberia and its people, yet again?

JNB must rise to the occasion. Is this the real JNB Costa and Urey spoke about, or the real one I know? Rise up, Uncle Joe. You made another wrong decision on this inexperienced orator.

This same Robtel woman hates anyone who is making a good living in America. She despises Diaspora Liberians living in America, as per her utterances.

America's visible presence in any country adds at least 25% to that nation's GDP. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Germany, and Djibouti are classic examples. Liberia wasted all the VOA and spy post opportunities. Today, Ghana leads Liberia in the US tourism market. Liberian leaders' failure to capitalize on America's presence is not America's fault. It's the Liberian leaders' gross incompetence, neglect, and corrupt-minded appetite that are to be blamed.

Say what you may about Ellen Johnson Sirleaf; her quest for the African Command was the right thing because she understood the bigger geopolitical and political economy benefits to Liberia. Sirleaf saw the bigger picture, but is Boakai seeing it, or is he being myopic and surrounding himself with the most limited minds in Liberia?

Boakai, rise up and stand up. Thanks to the Information Minister, who is a decent guy, for distancing the Boakai government from this nonsense oratory.

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