Nigeria: Poverty, Hunger and the Looming Rage


That a sense of hopelessness has deeply permeated the fabric of our society would be an understatement. This feeling of despair is a direct consequence of the excruciating economic conditions imposed upon us as a result of the government's decision to remove fuel subsidy and permit the naira to fluctuate freely. Moreover, allowing political leaders unfettered stealing of our patrimony is a clear case of insensitivity to our plight.

The consequence of this policy faux pas has resulted in catastrophic outcomes; the cost of living has surged to unprecedented levels, rendering it increasingly challenging for ordinary citizens to make ends meet. More worrisome is the fact that people are losing confidence in leadership.

The repercussions of these policies are experienced across all strata of society. Families are grappling to provide sustenance, employees are struggling to cope with the escalating prices, and enterprises are closing their operations due to the incapacity to cover fundamental expenses. The situation has deteriorated to such an extent that individuals who may outwardly seem affluent, have resorted to soliciting assistance to feed their families. If this is the situation for that category of people, what then can be anticipated for the majority?

The cascading effects of these economic adversities are profound, resulting in heightened levels of impoverishment, criminality, and societal unrest. There is definitely a looming rage.

As we navigate through these trying times, it is imperative for the government to devise policies that are attuned to the needs of the populace and mitigate the repercussions. Furthermore, to demonstrate a genuine commitment towards addressing our grievances, they must curtail the extravagance in governance.

On our part, we must advocate for measures that prioritize the welfare of the citizenry and hold our leaders accountable for their deeds, thereby setting the stage for the restoration of hope. It is solely through unity and unwavering determination that we can surmount the hurdles obstructing our path. Let us stand resolute in the face of adversity and strive towards a more promising future for all. Procrastination only leads to regret.

*Engr. Bello Gwarzo Abdullahi, FNSE

Ardugal Engineering Ltd., Gombe

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