Liberia: Bong Supt Commended for Ongoing Projects

Gbarnga, Bong County-- Several citizens residing in and out of Bong are commending the current leadership headed by Superintendent Loleyah Hawa Norris for the timely intervention and improvement of the Superintendent's Compound, as well as the Fencing of the County's Administrative Building.

The citizens calling on separate radio talk shows expressed total gratitude for Superintendent Norris and the team for the level of work that is ongoing which they consider as necessary.

Regarding the Superintendent's Compound renovation that is being done by JEAMCO Liberia a local construction Group that was previously contracted by the past County leadership under former Superintendent Esther Walker the citizens encouraged the County's leadership to remain focused on the development of the County and not to listen to detractors.

The residents want Superintendent Loleyah Hawa Norris and her team not to be deterred by some misguided political advocates who termed JEAMCO's continuation of the Superintendent's Compound contract as unlawful.

The residents pledged their unflinching support to the leadership of Superintendent Norris and urged her to ensure that the superintendent's compound is not only renovated but also standardized.

They are of the view that the consummation of the Superintendent's Compound will serve as a boost to the infrastructure development of the County. The residents who could not hide their joy for the ongoing Superintendent's Compound renovation that should have been completed years ago praise Superintendent Norris and her able Team for prioritizing the completion of the Superintendent's Compound.

On the issue of the County's Administration Building Fencing project, which is also ongoing, most of the citizens engaged in this paper expressed complete satisfaction with the project.

The residents are convinced that the Fencing project is a step in the right direction and that the leadership should continue doing what is right for the growth and development of the County.

One noticeable thing that makes most of the residents happy is the awarding of contracts to local construction Groups that also help provide job opportunities for some youths who are skilled in construction.

The residents believe that when both projects are finished, it will give Bong County dignity. This paper has observed that daily at both the Superintendent's Compound and the County Administration Building passersby usually stand in amazement at the level of work that is being done by the current leadership in less than three months.

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