Liberia: Agriculture Minister Visits EU-Funded Coffee Project Sites in Bomi

To assess the progress of Liberia's coffee sector, Agriculture Minister Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah recently visited three coffee demonstration sites in Bomi County funded by the EU. Accompanied by Montse Pantaleoni, Team Leader of the Green Economy Corporation Section of the European Union's delegation to Liberia, the visit underscored the government's dedication to revitalizing the coffee industry of the country.

The EU-funded ACP Business Friendly Coffee Project, is a 4-year regional project initiative. In Liberia the project is being implemented by the International Trade Center (ITC) in partnership with the Farmers Union Network of Liberia (FUNL) and the Ministry of Agriculture, and aims to rejuvenate Liberia's coffee sub-sector, which has suffered from years of neglect. Introduced in 2021, the project has provided improved knowledge in coffee farming and inputs to the farmers across five counties, Lofa, Nimba, Bong, Montserado and Bomi. Despite the first phase concluding in December, a four-year extension is planned.

Minister Nuetah's recent visit underscored the government's commitment to the coffee sector and painted a hopeful picture for its future. The government's plan to reintroduce the Liberica coffee variety to the international market and the ambitious goal of cultivating 10,000 to 20,000 hectares of coffee within the next five years under the new National Agriculture Development Plan (NADP) instilled a sense of hope for the farmers. The emphasis on developing 20,000 hectares of coffee farms to supply seedlings and other inputs to farmers further solidified the hope for the sector's revival.

The Minister informed the farmers that the government is ready to bring back the coffee Liberica on the international market by supporting the sector.

"President Joseph Nyuma Boakai has stressed the need for support for the coffee sector and for the country to bring back the coffee Liberica variety to the international market. This plan by the President is a clear demonstration of his commitment to revamp the sector which is captured in our new agriculture development plan," he stated.

Coffee Liberica, indigenous to Liberia, was once a significant export commodity before the civil conflict. Under the EU Business Friendly Coffee project the ITC is also working with the farmers to rehabilitate the old farms of the coffee variety to improve yield.

Minister Nuetah's remarks about boosting coffee production and training farmers were warmly met with enthusiasm from the farmers.

In his strategic plans for the coffee sector, the Minister of Agriculture has expressed deep gratitude towards the international partners for the ongoing support. This appreciation for their collaboration and assistance in revitalizing Liberia's coffee industry is a testament to the value of these partnerships.

In addition to supporting coffee cultivation, the minister emphasized the importance of food crops production, particularly the nation's staple food, rice. The NADP includes plans to support rice cultivation, a crucial step towards boosting food security.

Madam Pantaleoni reaffirmed the EU's commitment to the coffee project. "We want to see coffee farmers supported in raising incomes to support their families."

She assured farmers of the EU's continued collaboration with ITC to achieve the project's goals.

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