Nigeria: Managing the Image of the President

18 August 2024

Presidential spokesman AJURI NGELALE is representing Nigerian youth well, reckons Seriki Adinoyi

Of the many challenging jobs around the presidency, the one that is perhaps most intriguing is managing the image of the President and indeed communicating him appropriately to the public. On many occasions, when you deserve applause, you are instead considered a propagandist who is merely playing to the gallery rather than exercising real influence.

It is even worse when you make mistakes. They are quickly spotted by many experienced eagle eyes out there whose only duty is perhaps to see where you slip off the delicate turf and criticize you.

This is what Mr. Ajuri Ngelale, President Bola Tinubu's spokesman has been able to wade through in the past one year. His case has particularly been daunting considering the policy direction of his principal which is seen by many as unpopular, and one that has brought hardship on the people.

His appointment wasn't particularly a popular one considering that, of all President's media men since the return of democracy in 1999, Ngelale is arguably the youngest not only in

age but also in cognate experience and broad network expected of a potential presidential spokesman.

Critics have argued that such position is neither for media neophytes nor novitiates to gamble with considering that the margins of error in the job are very thin. Their fears were not unfounded considering the calibre of persons in whose shoes Ngelale stepped into. But after one year on the job, the man has proven to be a very fast learner. He has not only flourished in his brief as Presidential spokesman and won the confidence of his principal, but the confident in him is significant enough to earn him an additional beat as Special Presidential Envoy on Climate Action (SPEC) where he has joined in deepening collaboration with critical stakeholders.

The brief which was added to him at the end of the month of May has also witnessed his significant impacts where he has done quite some international moving around, meeting personalities in private and public sectors, and trying to get the best benefits for Nigeria.

President Tinubu was after all right in his choice of Ngelale. His confidence in him was not misplaced having effectively communicated him without necessarily attacking anyone.

With Ngelale's performance, the President is even now more committed to tapping the energy and vibrancy of Nigerian youth. He is now more convinced that the youth has the capacity to cope with emerging development that his government is seriously diving into.

The spokesman is not about to relent as he speaks on his readiness for the years ahead. He recently said, "One year ago today, I was appointed as the Official Spokesperson of the President. It has been a very fast-paced and eventful first year in office, and I am appreciative of the continued confidence of the President that enables me to continue to serve to the best of my ability as the official spokesperson without encumbrance. I am looking forward to greater challenges ahead in the role as the years go on.

Speaking on his additional beat as Special Envoy on Climate Action (SPEC), Ngelale said, "I was honoured to have exchanged views with UN DSG, Her Excellency Amina Mohammed at UN HQ, New York, during my first engagement as Special Presidential Envoy on Climate Action, deepening collaboration with critical stakeholders on these existential matters is top priority."

Ngelale's performance has of course, open more doors for the youths as it has spurred the President to believe more in the capacity of the youth to deliver on their roles. He has now engaged more of them in various vital positions of trust.

A typical instance is the recent appointment of Dr. Nkiruka Maduekwe, a 39-year-old brilliant scholar as the Director-General/Chief Executive Officer of the National Council on Climate Change (NCCC).

A statement from the State House said, "In accordance with his commitment to actualize Nigeria's green industrial vision, boost investor confidence, and unlock sustainable economic value through various climate finance instruments, President Bola Tinubu has approved the appointment of Dr. Nkiruka Maduekwe as the Director-General/Chief Executive Officer of the National Council on Climate Change (NCCC) in interim capacity, pending the confirmation of her appointment by the NCCC Supervisory Council.

"The President has also approved that Dr. Maduekwe, 39, who holds a Bachelor of Law degree; a Master's degree in Environmental Law & Policy from the University of Dundee (UK), and a Doctorate degree in Law from the University of Hull (UK), is to serve as the Co-Chairperson of the Intergovernmental Committee on National Carbon Market Activation Plan (NCMAP)."

Maduekwe has over 15 years of national and international experience in climate policy development and project implementation. She previously served as Nigeria National Coordinator, Climate Parliament.

Climate Parliament is an international, multi-partisan network of legislators working worldwide to help solve the climate crisis and accelerate the transition to renewable energy. She was also the legal adviser to the NCCC Director-General.

As further testament to the President renewed belief in the youth, he also approved the appointment of Mr. Ibrahim Abdullahi Shelleng, 40, as his Senior Special Assistant on Climate Finance & Stakeholder Engagement.

Shelleng is seconded to the National Council on Climate Change Secretariat, where he handles all matters related to Climate Finance & Stakeholder/Donor Relations. Shelleng is to assume the position of Secretary of the Intergovernmental Committee on National Carbon Market Activation Plan (NCMAP) and serve as a member of the Presidential Committee on Climate Action and Green Economic Solutions, as well as the Presidential Steering Committee on Project Evergreen.

As a holder of a Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Shelleng has served in leading roles across multiple financial institutions, and was Head of Business Development for the Nigeria Mortgage Refinance Company PLC (NMRC) before his appointment as Senior Special Assistant to the President.

How about Mr. Olamide Fagbuji, 44, who has also been appointed as the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Climate Technology and Operations, Office of the President.

He is seconded to the National Council on Climate Change Secretariat, where he will oversee the digitalization of a new open procurement process and cross-departmental procedural optimization initiative.

Fagbuji served as Special Assistant to the President on Economic Matters under the previous administration, and was most recently the Technical Adviser to the Director-General of the National Council on Climate Change on Policy Research and Strategy. He is a policy analyst and computer scientist.

Ngelale, by what he has done in one year, now reminds us of what a Nigerian youth represents. He has also shown that men of the press are truly gentlemen as he has radically departed from the perception that presidential spokespersons are meant to be attack dogs. Instead, it has been more of sensitization and strategic engagement with stakeholders.

Adinoyi writes from Jos, Plateau State

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