Liberia: Rep. Marvin Cole Slams Boakai Administration Over Market Demolitions and Budget Mismanagement

Gbarnga — Bong County Electoral District #3 Representative J. Marvin Cole has sharply criticized the Joseph Nyuma Boakai and Jeremiah Kpan Koung government for displacing marketers at the Gbarnga Central Market in Bong County.

The Boakai administration, through the Gbarnga City Corporation, demolished the old Gbarnga Central Market, forcing struggling marketers to sell their goods in the rain.

The market structures were demolished under the directive of Gbarnga City Mayor Gallah Vapliah as part of a plan to relocate the old market to the newly constructed Madam Sirleaf Market site.

Since the demolition, local marketers in Gbarnga have faced significant challenges in rebuilding their stalls at the new Gbarnga Central Market.

Representative Cole described the displaced Gbarnga Central Market sellers as "the first refugees under the Joseph Nyuma Boakai and Jeremiah Kpan Koung government."

The lawmaker made these remarks while providing 30 bundles of zinc to the displaced marketers, who are attempting to rebuild their stalls at the new market site after the demolition.

Cole noted that the 30 bundles of zinc are an addition to the 150 bundles of zinc and one million Liberian Dollars he previously donated to the leadership of the aggrieved marketers. This contribution followed a violent protest by the marketers over the demolition and the Liberia Marketing Association's Bong chapter's refusal to allocate spots for them at the new marketplace.

"My work at the National Legislature is to ensure that my constituents in District #3 and the county at large are satisfied," he said.

He emphasized that as long as he serves as a representative in the Liberian Legislature, development efforts in Bong County will continue to intensify.

According to Cole, the marketers affected by the Boakai administration's actions lack the resources to rebuild their stalls in the new market. He stated that he decided to assist them as part of his responsibilities as a lawmaker.

The Bong County Electoral District #3 Representative also criticized the Boakai administration for the alleged alteration of the National Budget for Fiscal Year 2024.

It can be recalled that the Chairpersons of the Joint Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the National Legislature, Representative Clarence Gahr of District #5, Margibi County, and Senator Amara Konneh, raised concerns about possible alterations in the National Budget approved by the Legislature.

The Legislature approved a National Budget of US$738,859,827 in May 2024. However, a 6.7% increase (reportedly amounting to around US$20 million) and some discrepancies were noticed in the printed copy submitted by the Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, as highlighted by the PAC chairpersons and some committee members.

Cole alleged that under the "Rescue Mission" government, 20 million dollars have vanished into thin air, while Unity Party officials are building mansions for themselves.

"We will be calling on the U.S. government and other international partners to sanction these thieves and criminals. The law of equity says those who preach equity must come with clean hands. It's now time for Senator Prince K. Moye and other 'Rescue' officials to tell the Liberian people what happened to the US$20 million that disappeared from the National Budget, while CB Dunbar Hospital, Phebe Hospital, Bong Mines Hospital, and clinics in the county lack medicines for patients," Rep. Cole stated.

The outspoken Bong County lawmaker also criticized the Boakai administration for the wrongful dismissal of CDCians from their jobs, describing it as poor governance and a disregard for the interests of Liberians.

"It's time for Boakai to wake up and show true leadership because he boasted of his over 40 years of experience in government," Cole said.

He added that within just seven months, President Boakai has violated the law of Liberia, something every Liberian should stand up against.

Rep. Cole further criticized the Unity Party-led administration for what he termed "constitutional violations" and "selective justice," which he believes undermine the integrity of Liberia's governance structure.

Additionally, the Bong County lawmaker responded to rumors that Speaker Jonathan Fonati Koffa had suspended him as Chairman on Rules, Order, and Administration, describing these claims as false.

Rep. Cole explained that the House of Representatives' standing rules mandate that once the Speaker appoints an individual to a statutory committee, that individual is beyond the Speaker's jurisdiction regarding suspension matters.

He stated that the House of Representatives requires a two-thirds majority to suspend any member, and therefore, Speaker Koffa has no grounds for such actions against him.

Rep. Cole attributed the rumors to political motivations, stating that his strong performance and alignment within the Legislature cannot be negated by any potential suspension.

Furthermore, Rep. Cole condemned recent police actions against supporters of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) at the party's headquarters.

He described these actions as indicative of the tense political climate, following statements made by presidential candidate Joseph Nyuma Boakai, who suggested that a Unity Party defeat could signify an end to peace in Liberia.

The Bong District #3 lawmaker told journalists that under the watch of the Unity Party, the police have continued to take innocent lives, citing incidents such as the Bea Mountain protest as examples of ongoing police brutality.

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