Liberia: President Boakai Leads High-Level Liberian Delegation to China Amid Ongoing Port Outsourcing Negotiations

Monrovia — President Joseph Boakai is leaving no stone unturned in his quest to secure the necessary support for his ambitious ARREST agenda, even if it puts him at odds with national organs such as the Legislature, Judiciary, or international partners.

The Boakai-Koung administration, much like its predecessor, has been actively seeking opportunities and exploring various options to secure resources for its development agenda. Sources indicate that the upcoming trip to Asia is seen as a prime opportunity to garner support for key initiatives, including the administration's road projects and the potential outsourcing of the Buchanan, Greenville, and Harper ports.

President Boakai is set to lead a 50-member delegation to Asia, starting with participation in the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum in Bali, Indonesia, from September 1-3. Following this, he will travel to the People's Republic of China with select members of his delegation to attend the Forum for China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing from September 4-6, 2024.

According to the Ministry of Information, the Liberian delegation includes First Lady Katumu Y. Boakai; Foreign Minister Sara Beysolow-Nyanti; Minister of State for Presidential Affairs Sylvester M. Grigsby; Health Minister Dr. Louise M. Kpoto; Agriculture Minister Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah; Minister of State Without Portfolio Mamaka Bility; and National Investment Commission Chairman Jeff Blibo. Other notable members include Sinoe County Senator Augustine Chea and Grand Kru County Representative Nathaniel Baway.

President Boakai and his delegation will hold high-level talks in Indonesia to seek partnerships and support in various sectors, including agriculture (particularly in oil palm, rice, and rubber production), energy, petroleum, water supply, sanitation, public health, tourism, education, scholarships, and scientific research.

"The visit to Indonesia will mark 69 years of friendship and cooperation between our two countries. We share a common history of resistance to colonial dominance and the advancement of freedom for the people of Africa," Information Minister Jerolinmek Piah said in a statement released ahead of the visit.

The statement added: "Indonesia and Liberia have collaborated on many fronts since the 1950s when we both championed Afro-Asian solidarity to end colonialism. Today, Indonesia and Liberia have common economic and development interests, particularly in expanding palm oil production and refining, as well as increasing rice production for both local consumption and export."

China: Strategic Partner for the ARREST Agenda

After Indonesia, President Boakai will travel to China for the FOCAC meetings in Beijing from September 4-6, 2024. This trip is seen as crucial, with President Boakai bringing leading cabinet officials, including ministers and heads of agencies, to engage in high-level discussions.

The delegation for the Beijing visit includes Amin Modad, Minister of Commerce; Roland L. Giddings, Minister of Public Works; Jerolinmek Piah, Minister of Information, Cultural Affairs, and Tourism; Samuel Kofi Woods, National Security Advisor; Cllr. Neto Zarzar Lighe, Commissioner/Chief Executive Officer of the Liberia Maritime Authority. Others joining the trip are Gregory Coleman, Inspector-General of Police; Sekou Dukuly, Managing Director of the National Port Authority; and Eugene L. Fahngon, Director-General of the Liberia Broadcasting System.

The China-Africa Forum will allow African and Chinese leaders to discuss matters of mutual interest. President Boakai sees this as an opportunity to present Liberia as an attractive destination for Chinese investments, particularly in line with his ARREST Agenda.

Trip Coincides with Chinese Delegation's Visit to Buchanan Port

President Boakai's trip coincides with ongoing negotiations to outsource Liberia's three ports outside of Monrovia--Buchanan, Greenville in Sinoe County, and Harper in Maryland County--to a Chinese counterpart. Recently, a four-member delegation from the China Railway Construction Bridge Engineering Bureau Group visited the Port of Buchanan to conduct an assessment and develop a master plan for its development.

Scott Lin, head of the Chinese delegation, stated that their goal is to enable the port to attract investors interested in its growth. Lin mentioned that the assessment has been completed and that they will report back to their superiors, with plans to reconnect with port management soon.

Port of Buchanan Manager, Hon. Jonathan Kaipay, expressed gratitude for the delegation's visit, noting that it is part of ongoing efforts to modernize the port's operations. The Port of Buchanan, Liberia's second-largest harbor, plays a crucial role in shipping the country's raw materials.

The Chinese delegation has committed to developing a comprehensive plan that will address the port's vulnerabilities and ensure its long-term viability. This plan will include measures to strengthen the port's infrastructure, such as building seawalls and breakwaters to protect against erosion.

FPA has learned that the Boakai administration is also contemplating outsourcing the Ports of Greenville and Harper. Discussions with relevant Chinese authorities are expected to continue during the President's visit to China.

Other issues topping the President's agenda include agriculture, communications, and road projects. The Liberian government is also expected to renegotiate the controversial Yellow Machine deal with South Africa's GUMA Group and China-based SANY Group, sources say.

Under the Lens

President Boakai's first trip to China comes as the United States continues to bolster its influence on its key allies in Africa, amid the growing influence of Russia and China. It also follows calls for Liberia to explore other strategic partnerships. Notably, during Liberia's 177th Independence Day celebrations, orator Dr. Robtel Pailey criticized U.S.-Liberia relations and urged the government to forge new partnerships based on mutual benefit.

Senators Karnga-Lawrence and Dillon Also in China

Accompanying the delegation to China is a group from Liberia's 55th Legislature, led by Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, a key ally of President Boakai.

According to a release, Karnga-Lawrence is already in China, will deliver a speech on "Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development," addressing the challenges and strategies for reducing poverty and promoting sustainable growth globally.

Senator Darius Dillon, who chairs the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, will also deliver a speech on "Global Security and Lasting Peace," sharing insights on Liberia's role in promoting peace and security on the international stage.

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