Liberia: Securing Liberia's Future

Garmai S. Tokpah, Deputy Minister for Children and Social Protection at the Ministry of Gender Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP), has reiterated the urgent need of safeguarding Liberia's most vulnerable citizens, its children.

She emphasized that with a staggering 43% of the population under the age of 15 and 63% under 25, Liberia's demographic profile is a reminder of the nation's duty to protect and nurture its young people, enabling them to lead the country toward a brighter future.

However, minister Tokpah warns of a severe and ongoing challenge: "many children remain entangled in a cycle of violence, poverty, and deprivation. Alarming levels of violence, particularly against girls, jeopardize their well-being and hinder their ability to fully participate in society."

Speaking at the National Preparatory Session 1st Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence against Children in Liberia, the Minister highlighted that addressing this crisis demands urgent attention. "This crisis requires robust government budgets and sustained commitment to improve the safety and welfare of children across the nation."

Despite these challenges, Minister Tokpah remains hopeful: "Research and evidence show that violence against children can be prevented through targeted strategies and comprehensive, evidence-based programming. The upcoming 1st Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence against Children in Bogotá, Colombia, offers Liberia a unique opportunity to join a global movement dedicated to this cause. The conference will serve as a platform for sharing lessons learned, scaling proven strategies, and renewing global commitments to protect children."

According to Minister Tokpah, in preparation of this crucial international event, the National Preparatory Session in Liberia aims to achieve three main goals:

  1. Capture the National VAC Story: Liberia's progress and priorities in ending violence against children will be carefully considered and documented. We will seek consensus on the key areas requiring focus, with evidence-based strategies to drive meaningful change.
  2. Enhance National Commitment: Together, stakeholders will develop a transformative commitment to end violence against children. This will be Liberia's collective message at the Ministerial Conference, showcasing our determination to address this critical issue head-on.
  3. Introduce and Socialize the "Pathfinder 2.0" Initiative: The session will introduce and promote the "Pathfinder 2.0" initiative, a member State-led collective aimed at fostering international collaboration and accelerating progress in ending violence against children.

She stressed that identifying a national success story for presentation at the Ministerial Conference will demonstrate that prevention is possible. Additionally, they will explore Liberia's readiness to partner with other Pathfinder governments in a shared commitment to end violence against children.

In conclusion, Minister Tokpah acknowledges the magnitude of the challenges ahead but highlighted the potential. "By uniting, sharing experiences, and renewing our dedication to the cause, we can make a transformative impact on the lives of our children, "urge the participants.

"Let us seize this moment to strengthen our resolve, ensuring that every child is free from violence and able to reach their full potential."

Minister Tokpah also extends her gratitude to UNICEF, WHO, and the Ministry of Health for their unwavering dedication and commitment to the vital mission.

Andrew Brooks, Representative of the UNICEF Country Office, revealed that UNICEF will send a delegation to Colombia for the inaugural Ministerial Conference on Violence Against Children.

"This will address Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16.2, focusing on violence against both girls and boys," Brooks stated.

He expressed concern about Liberia's struggle with accurate data collection, noting that, apart from specific areas like sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), child marriage, and child labor, the available data is limited. "In my view, the official data we have underrepresents the true scale of the problem," he emphasized.

Brooks described Liberia's participation in the international conference as a significant opportunity to highlight the issue of violence within the country. He commended the Government of Liberia, particularly the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection, for convening the meeting. He also stressed the importance of involving other ministries, such as Education, Health, and Justice, as addressing violence requires a collaborative, multi-sectorial approach.

"There is no single-sector solution to violence; it requires teamwork in both prevention and response efforts," Brooks explained.

UNICEF, as part of its mandate, is fully committed to supporting Liberia's efforts, working in alignment with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international human rights treaties.

"We have strong legislative backing for our mandate, especially in child protection, which involves building a national child protection system. This means helping the government implement policies, laws, and services, and ensuring the availability of human resources like social workers to prevent and respond to various forms of child vulnerability," Brooks concluded.

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