South Africa: Cosatu Mourns the Passing of Comrade Pravin Gordhan

Pravin Gordhan (file photo).

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) mourns the passing of comrade Pravin Gordhan. Former Minister Gordhan has run his race. He has served the nation and the mass democratic movement with distinction. We remain in debt to comrade PG and the Gordhan family for his selfless sacrifices.

Comrade PG's life was dedicated to the liberation of not only his immediate community through his activism in the Durban Housing Action Committee, but to the nation at large through the United Democratic Front. Pravin could have enjoyed a relatively comfortable life as a pharmacist but chose instead to spend every free moment building the liberation movement from the African National Congress to the South African Communist Party, including a playing key role in Umkhonto we Sizwe's Operation Vula (the real MK). He showed nerves of steel that few of today's peace time heroes could imagine, including surviving brutal torture in detention.

Pravin's dedication to building a democratic, non-racial, non-sexist South Africa, continued with the drafting of our progressive Constitution and the formation of Parliament. He played a central role in the Mandela and Mbeki administrations with his sterling work transforming the South African Revenue Service into a world class institution, tackling tax avoidance and ensuring the democratic state has the funds needed to transform society. The 60% of the budget spent investing in uplifting working class communities today is Pravin's legacy.

PG was not a dogmatic ideologue. When the 2008 global economic crisis and its aftermath engulfed the world, then Minister for Finance, Gordhan, embarked upon a bold economic package to stabilise and stimulate the economy.

When Minister Gordhan should have been allowed to enjoy his final years in retirement, at home with his family, he accepted President Cyril Ramaphosa's call for one last tour of service. Against very difficult circumstances resulting from the chapter of state capture and corruption unleashed by some leaders once entrusted to lead, Minister Gordhan managed to lead efforts to ensure Eskom overcame the most devastating period of loadshedding that threatened thousands of jobs and the revival of the economy. Today once again, South African Airways, is flying the skies.

Comrade Pravin was a forthright leader. He said what he felt. He pushed you to do better. His integrity, principles and commitment were never in doubt. Tragically given his decades of service to the liberation of South Africa and to building a better life for all, we missed the opportunity to allow him to enjoy the final chapter in a long-deserved retirement. We are comforted by knowing, that comrade PG was at his happiest in working for the people.

History will judge Cde. PG as a hero who played his role. He was not infallible or perfect, like all of us. But he was there when times were dark, and he made his mark.

Hamba kahle qabane. Qhawe lama qhawe.

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