Liberia: Sen. Joseph to the Rescue Again

Liberia-Montserrado County Senator and humanitarian, Saah H. Joseph has brought in another consignment of medical supplies and equipment in the country.

On his social media post, the Montserrado County lawmaker noted, "I'm grateful to be back in Liberia after a productive travel. Thanks to the people of Montserrado and all of Liberia for your continued trust in my leadership."

Senator Joseph furthered, "I'm excited to announce that, through partnerships with Gateway Medical Alliance Seattle Washington state, And Project Save, Chico state California, five counties including Grand Cape Mount, Bomi, Gbarpolu, Margibi, and Bong will each receive 40-foot container of medical supplies and equipment as part of a phased healthcare support plan."

Senator Joseph concluded by saying, "Together, we are working to improve healthcare for all Liberians."

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