Liberia: 'Think Big, Dream Big, and Write It Down,' - World Bank Liberia Country Manager Tells Lott Carey Graduates

Monrovia — World Bank Liberia Country Manager, Georgia Wallen, has urged high school graduates at the 99th Commencement Convocation of Lott Carey Baptist Mission School to think and dream big as they embark on the next phase of their lives.

Speaking at the event, Ms. Wallen encouraged the graduates to reflect on their years of growth and learning while looking toward the future with boldness, hope, and determination. She shared three key pieces of advice: "Think big, dream big, and write it down."

In her address to the graduates, Ms. Wallen congratulated the 99th graduating class, calling them a special group. "You are a very special class. Much like your school, you are on the cusp of a new beginning made possible by years of diligence, hard work, and commitment. This is an important threshold - full of promise and possibility,"

In her first piece of advice, she highlighted the power of thinking big, adding one of the greatest capacities we have as human beings is the ability to think.

"Our thoughts shape and define the course of our lives. We're living in an age of "information overload"- our minds are bombarded with images, opinions, influencers and much more. What you think about matters," she said.

She urged the students not to limit themselves by focusing on challenges, but rather to find opportunities and overcome obstacles. "You can choose to focus on what's lacking or wrong with the world, or you can decide to rise above those challenges, beat the odds, and seize possibilities. No matter the circumstances, you have the power to decide how you view the world and yourself."

Wallen emphasized that thinking big is especially important for Liberians.

"My encouragement to you is to think big. I firmly believe that this is your heritage as Liberians - Africa's first Republic, the first in the Continent to have a female president, home to Nobel Laureates and world-class sportsmanship. You are a talented young generation bursting with potential in a country blessed with abundant endowments. Think Big!"

Her second point focused on the difference between thinking and dreaming. While thinking is analytical, dreaming is more about aspiration, ambition, and ideals.

"Dreams reflect the desires of your hearts. While our thoughts shape our future, our dreams are the fuel that energizes and drives our future. Our dreams are important, not only for us... but because when you pursue and achieve our dreams, you will impact those around you,".

In her final piece of advice, Ms. Wallen encouraged the graduates to write down their thoughts and dreams, urging them to honor their ideas by putting them on paper. "They are valuable... because you are valuable, and you are unique. No one thinks exactly the way you do. No one sees the world through your own eyes and through your perceptions,"

She emphasized that writing down their dreams would help the graduates track their personal growth and recognize when they need to adjust their course.

"In the years to come, writing down your goals will reveal how you are changing and where you may need to realign your path."

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