Liberia: 'Nyonblee Is Selfish and Greedy,' Says Grand Bassa Lawmaker Amid Leadership Dispute

Grand Bassa County — Representative Clarence Banks of District 2 has accused Senate Pro Tempore Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence of selfishness and greed, asserting she has manipulated county leadership appointments to favor political allies. He made the allegation during a press conference held on Monday.

"Nyonblee is selfish and greedy," Banks declared. "She only thinks about herself and the people close to her, not the community as a whole. She cannot continue to impose her will on this county."

The contention revolves around the appointment of key officials within Grand Bassa, particularly the district superintendents. Earlier this year, Banks and other county lawmakers submitted a list of candidates to President Joseph Boakai. However, according to Banks, the process has been stalled by Lawrence, who purportedly advanced her own nominees.

Banks criticized Lawrence for her emphasis on political loyalty over competence. He recounted an incident in April 2024, where Lawrence allegedly advocated for the appointment of Madam Julia Bono, a supporter of the Unity Party, to a significant position.

"I asked her why she chose Julia Bono, and she told me it was because Bono had done a lot for the Unity Party," Banks explained. "That's not how you select leaders. You don't pick someone based on party loyalty. This is about serving the people, not repaying favors."

He continued, "It's a clear abuse of power. She's turning our county into a personal fiefdom where only her supporters get positions. This is a democracy, not a monarchy, and we won't stand for it."

Banks also accused Lawrence of attempting to tarnish his reputation, alleging that she falsely claimed he had submitted three names for county appointments, a claim he vehemently denies.

"She's a liar, plain and simple," Banks stated. "She's trying to drag my name through the mud, and I won't allow it. I challenge her to correct these falsehoods on the same radio station she used to spread them."

Moreover, Banks accused Lawrence of nepotism, claiming she has placed family members and close associates in top government positions to consolidate her power.

"Her sister has a position at the National Port Authority, and her brother-in-law holds another high-ranking post," Banks asserted. "This is greed and selfishness at its worst. She's not serving the people of Grand Bassa--she's serving herself and her family."

Banks called for greater accountability and transparency in the leadership selection process, urging his colleagues to oppose any attempts by Lawrence to dominate the county's political scene. "We need leaders who care about everyone, not just their inner circle," Banks emphasized. "The people of Grand Bassa deserve better."

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