Liberia: PYJ Turned Whistleblower

Nimba County long-serving Senator Prince Y. Johnson has accused his some of his colleagues of being involved in illicit mining in Gbarpolu, Sinoe and Grand Kru Counties.

Senator Johnson the issue of illicit mining by some lawmakers in the Liberian Senate has kept them tight-lipped on corruption issues as they are unable to speak on the issue of corruption when they themselves are involved in corrupt practices.

The Nimba County lawmaker who is famously regarded as the doyen of the Liberian Senate, made these allegations against colleagues on Tuesday, October 15 during the 37th Day Sitting of the 1st Session of the 55th Legislature on Capitol Hill in Monrovia.

He spoke in the presence of Grand Kru County Senator and immediate past President Pro-tempore of the Liberian Senate, Albert Chie, who was also accused of similar acts by political activist Ambualah Mamey in June 2024. In his brief statement in Plenary, Senator Johnson said he is aware and knows those individual Senators who are allegedly exploiting the country's mineral resources at the detriment of the citizens.

However, Senator Johnson declined disclosing the names of those involved to avoid unleashing many unforeseen problems. Senator Johnson, who is also the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Internal Affairs emphasized that it is impossible for members of that august body to question other government officials within the Executive and Judicial Branches of government of corruption when the Legislature, especially members of the Liberian Senate are also corrupt.

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