Gambia: Residents of Njayen Sanjal Accuse Government of Imposing Alkalo On Them

A delegation of elders residing in Njayen Sanjal has informed Foroyaa that the government has imposed an alkalo on them contrary to the decision of the villagers.

Section 59 of the Constitution gives the Minister of Lands, Regional Government and Religious Affairs, power to appoint an alkalo upon consulting the regional governor and district chief. The same law provides that the Minister shall take into consideration traditional lines.

The elders said the appointment was contrary to their tradition as they regard it as a biased selection.

Alhagie S.M. Secka spoke on behalf of the delegates. He said when Alkalo Sait Gaye passed away, it was decided that Ali Drammeh was going to be the acting alkalo until a rightful member of the late alkalo's family was identified and appointed to the position.

He said in trying to get a substantive alkalo, three people indicated interest for the position. They were Muhammed S. Gaye, Omar Sohna Gaye and Ousman Hawa Gaye. He added that Alieu Gaye was consulted and he informed them that he was not interested with the exercise as he was not in a good state of health.

He said regional Governor Lamin Saidykahn called the Chief of the District and informed him about his plan to come to Ngayen Sanjal on Friday, 15th September 2022 to appoint an alkalo. He added that Alieu Gaye called the Chief on Thursday, 14th September 2022 indicating his interest for the position.

When the Governor came on the stated date, he proceeded to the compound of the Chief and during the meeting, he asked one Mod-Yama Gaye to ask the villagers and the kabilo heads that came to attend to state their choice of candidate among the candidates. The head of the delegation said the people who came to attend the meeting to select a village head did not fit in the chief's compound and the gathering was moved to the Bantaba. When the Regional Governor requested for the list from Mod-Yama Gaye, 38 people selected the candidates of their choices. 35 voted for Muhammad S. Gaye, 2 voted for Ousman Hawa Gaye and 1 voted for Omar Sohna Gaye.

After the selection process at the Bantaba, the Governor asked Chief Malick to chair the meeting. After the Chief's opening remarks, the Governor told the gathering that he is going to take a decision, which is going to be final. After his decision, he did not invite any questions or comments. The Governor decided that he has appointed Alieu Gaye as the Alkalo since he was the eldest. The elders of the village said the Governor decided to overrule them against their wish. Alieu Gaye was in the position for a short time before he also passed away.

Alhagie S.M. Secka said Muhammad S. Gaye was the eldest and if the Governor's decision was to be followed, Muhammad S. Gaye should be the alkalo.

The villagers said they were surprised that Omar Bun Gaye from Ngayen Sabach Kerr Modie was appointed as the Alkalo of Ngayen Sanjal. The villagers wrote protest letters to the authorities and this prompted the Governor to come to the village.

The delegation said during the meeting with the Governor, Chief Malick Boye told him that Omar Bun Gaye is not qualified and cannot be a candidate in Ngayen Sanjal because he is from Ngayen Sabach Kerr Modi.

The reporter spoke to Chief Malick Boye. He said the Governor did not trust him and the distrust is extended to members of Ngayen Sanjal as he is doubting the authenticity of the list of votes in favour of Muhammad S. Gaye. He said they requested the Governor to work with the police and the NIA to conduct the elections. He added that the police and SIS declined from participating in it.

Chief Boye said the right person to be appointed is Muhammad S. Gaye since the villagers voted for him. He added that the Government should intervene to resolve the impasse.

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