Liberia: Tragedies in Kakata Leave Two Persons Dead

12 November 2024

Margibi — The people of Margibi County have suffered two separate tragedies leading to loss of two persons.

A five-year-old boy was allegedly killed and his body dumped in a well in Telecom Community, while a man in his early 20s was gruesomely murdered for earpiece.

Police in the county are investigating the incidents, with several arrests made, including a suspect identified as Prince Jalloh, for the murder of the earpiece owner.

Suspect Prince Jalloh is reportedly the ringleader of a gang that attacked the victim, Michael Freeman, around Dominic K. Henah School in Wenneh Town.

The attack occurred on Saturday, November 9, 2024, the same day the little boy was discovered dead in a well.

This paper gathered that the minor, identified as Joshua, went missing on Thursday, November 7, 2024, and a search was launched for him immediately, but was unfortunately found dead on Saturday.

The deceased's neck was broken, and his eyes were damaged, with cuts on his tongue and lips.

A jury team set up to probe the death of Little Joshua reported no foul play. However, medical report indicates that the boy's neck was broken as a result of falling. Some community residents are accusing the owner of the well of allegedly killing the minor and dumping his remains in his well.

But the accused denied having anything to do with the death of the child.

On the other hand, Police are still probing the murder of the second victim, who was attacked to death. Several suspects are currently behind bars, pending the outcome of the current investigation.

The late Freeman was returning from a graduation party of a family member when about 11 gangsters surrounded him. The attackers are said to include females.

A source told this paper that the victim resisted his attackers from snatching his eyepiece when he was stabbed with a screwdriver.

Angry residents in Kakata are currently agitating for prime Suspect Prince Jalloh to be turned over to face mob justice.

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