Ghana Airforce Imam Advises Muslims to Help Make Ghana Violence-Free Country

3 December 2024

The Imam of the Ghana Airforce, Flight Lieutenant Moucharoudine-Siddique Maiga, has advised Muslims to help make Ghana a violence-free country, devoid of religious sentiments, unnecessary chaos and confusion, before, during and after the elections.

He said Muslim should to be very circumspect with the kind of information they share, especially during and after the elections, cautioning them against misinformation and malinformation.

Flt. Lt. Maiga stated that this last Saturday in Accra at a Maulid (celebration of the birth of the Holy Prophet of Islam) lectures on the importance of peace and unity in diversity as a nation in general and Muslim community in particular, emphasising on misinformation, disinformation and malinformation.

He added that radicalism, religious fanaticism, sectarianism, especially in Islam, fueled by misinformation, disinformation and malinformation, had become one of the contributory factors of violence as far as our country was concerned.

"A lot of people cause a lot of unnecessary chaos, unnecessary confusion. As much as we are talking about general election, the need for it to be serene, the environment to be serene and violence-free, I also call on Muslims to also make our country a violence-free country, devoid of religious sentiments, devoid of unnecessary chaos and confusion," he stressed.

"Our ulema had become some tools of spreading of this misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, thereby causing mischief and divisiveness in the midst of people, this is unprofessional. This is unacceptable," he added

Furthermore, he noted that Muslim must be guided by Quran chapter 17, verse 36 that enjoys them not to pursue or do share or do talk about what they don't have its knowledge.

"Surely you shall be made to account for your sight, for your hearing, and for your heart. Meaning, if you don't have accurate information about something, don't talk about it. Let it be," he quoted from the Holy Quran.

The Ghana Airforce Imam also said, "Islam has already given us a caveat. Another Quranic verse that should be our guidance is Quran chapter 49, verse 6. Surah Al-Khujurat. That Allah says, O you who believe, should an evil person bring you any information, try to verify.

In order not to go and attack some people ignorantly and later regret. Meaning, we shouldn't be too quick to act or take action. We should always verify information before we take action."

Explaining further, Flt. Lt. Maiga indicated, "Misinformation could be spread unintentionally. Disinformation is created and spread intentionally in order to discredit and destroy somebody."

Malinformation are actually true information, but they are not good. They are not ingenious to be shared. People are able to go to deep, to dig deeply into people's secrets, bring it out in order to expose them and make them unpopular."

It is actually spread for the purpose of mischief and wickedness. My brothers and sisters, as we are approaching this elections year, we should expect all these at play," Imam pointed out, adding that we should nip this in the bud.

Moreover, Imam Maiga underlined that he had lost contact with his good friend in Sudan due to the war in the country saying, "now for more than two months I'm trying to establish contact with him but to no avail, I'm now in a dilemma as to whether to pray for him or I should pray for protection for him, I don't know whether he is alive or dead?"

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