The Samuel Alfred Ross Port of Greenville has launched a preventive campaign against Monkeypox to safeguard its premises as a crucial entry point to Sinoe County. The initiative, conducted in collaboration with the Sinoe County health team, received support from Sino Forest, a major contributor of preventive materials to the Port Authority.
During the launch ceremony on December 4, 2024, Cllr. Sylvia Tarley, Director of the Port of Greenville, emphasized the importance of proactive measures due to Sinoe County's status as the epicenter of Monkeypox in the country.
The monkeypox outbreak is a global public health emergency, spreading to more than 51,000 people in nearly 100 countries, including Liberia.
Across Africa, according to the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL), as of 20 August 2024, twelve member states of the African Union (AU) including Liberia reported 18,910 cases and 541 deaths.
In a Special Sitting on September 11, the House of Representatives voted to provide flexible support in the 2024 Recast Budget to help address on-the-ground needs as part of response efforts, known as emergency preparedness and hazard support to enable the NPHIL in helping to aggressively respond in combating the Mpox viral disease.
However, Cllr. Tarley noted that the port, as a key international entry point to Sinoe County, recognized the significance of combating the disease to protect both staff and visitors.
"Monkeypox being a disease of national concern, the port authority thought it wise to launch war on it considering that it is an international disease and the port is one of the major international entry points to Sinoe County and the country as well," the Port Director said.
She extended thanks to the Ministry of Health represented by the Sinoe County Health team for recommending the essence of preventing the port from the disease.
She lauded the port users for being very cooperative and supportive whenever they are called upon.
Appreciation was extended to the Ministry of Health, Sinoe County Health team, and Sino Forest for their collaborative efforts in providing preventive materials. These materials, including deodorant soap, thermometers, buckets, and towels, were handed over by Mr. John Vesselee, Logistic Manager from Sino Forest, demonstrating their commitment to supporting the port's disease prevention efforts.
He expressed Sino Forest management's excitement to support the port in the fight against the disease and pledged the company's continued support and noted they remain willing to strengthen partnership with the Port management for developmental purposes.
Mr. Osier Smith, the Risk Communication Officer & Health Promoter Focus Person of the Sinoe County Health team, conducted an awareness session on Monkeypox and instructed port workers on proper use of the preventive materials.
Smith dated the origin of the disease to 1950 when it was found in Denmark. He asserted that Monkey pox is a disease found especially in monkeys that can be contracted from eating and getting in contact with animals that contain the virus.
He lauded the port management for being farsighted in taking the lead in preventing the county from the spread of the disease and praised Sinoe forest for the logistical support to the fight against the disease in the port. He cautioned port workers & users to prioritize using the materials in order to keep the port in a safe zone from diseases.
The proactive approach taken by the port management was acknowledged by partners, with an emphasis on the importance of adhering to preventive measures to maintain a safe environment. Port users, including GVL, Iroko, and Amasco, commended the Port Management for its proactive stance in ensuring a safe environment and pledged their support to the port's development initiatives.
Meanwhile, monkeypox has spread mostly during intimate contact, including sex, hugging, kissing and the touching of fabrics. Most of those affected in the current outbreak are gay, bisexual or other men who have sex with men. However, anyone who has come in close, personal contact with someone who has monkeypox is at risk.
Data show a growing disparity in vaccination rates among different racial and ethnic groups, creating an urgent need for enhanced communication efforts to reach those most at-risk with accurate and timely health information. It is these efforts that the management of the Port of Greenville has embarked upon.