Nigeria: Warawa PHC Progresses With Recent Enhancements but Staffing Shortages Persists


In 2022, the Community Health Watch Project facilitated by Nigeria Health Watch directed its attention to Warawa Primary Health Centre (PHC) in the Warawa Local Government Area (LGA) of Kano, where renovations had recently been completed by the Kano State Contributory Health Care Management Agency (KSCHMA).

At that time, the project's findings revealed a shortage of staff at the PHC, hindering its ability to effectively serve patients. Additionally, there was a pressing need for an expansion of the labour and delivery ward to accommodate the increasing number of mothers giving birth at the facility.

Two years after, the project returned to the PHC to gauge whether the issues highlighted in the first report had been effectively addressed. This follow-up visit revealed that significant progress had been made to acknowledge and tackle the infrastructural challenges that were previously raised. However, the centre still grapples with staffing shortages, a persisting concern that requires further attention.

Usman Muhammad, the Officer-in-Charge of the PHC, shared some updates on the facility's advancements over the past years. "The second labour room, which was under construction in 2022, is now complete with only flooring remaining," he noted.

This renovated and expanded space has alleviated pressure on the previous labour room, allowing more mothers to receive timely care. The improvements also included extra furniture. Muhammad mentioned that the PHC, which previously had only one delivery bed, now has two additional delivery beds, a resting bed for mothers and a baby cot.

The centre has also acquired essential medical tools such as an oxygen machine, an electric steriliser, a manual suction machine, and a weighing scale - none of which were available during the initial visit. These additions have significantly improved the PHC's capacity to support safe deliveries and offer better maternal and newborn care.

A need for more hands

However, Warawa PHC continues to struggle with a lack of professional personnel unable to cater for the numerous neighbouring communities that seeks its medical care, including Warawa, Yanlanya, Dakata, Abasawar Gabas, Kurna, Kanwa Yan Gurji, Jalawa, Dan Lasti, Rimi, Amarawa, and Gishirin Wiya.

Despite the addition of two midwives and a temporary staff member to the team, the facility still grapples with inadequate resources to maintain 24/7 operations. "We require additional staff given that patients are often brought in after regular closing hours. The PHC facility sees an average of 50 patients daily and on antenatal care (ANC) and immunisation days, the numbers are even higher," Muhammad explained.

"We [also] don't have enough professionally qualified field workers. The government should please do this so that we can reduce the cases we are having in the rural communities on maternal mortality and infant death." he added.

Residents of Kilkilawa, a village located 3 kilometres away, voiced their concern about the lack of female staff at the PHC. Amratu Musa, a local resident, highlighted the importance of having more female health workers to offer services, such as blood tests, which would provide a more comfortable environment for women.

Another resident noted that she usually avoids visiting the PHC because despite spending up to ₦1000 on transportation, the PHC does not provide the required drugs and supplements, even on ANC days.

The challenges faced by Warawa PHC reflect broader national objectives outlined in Nigeria's Health Sector Renewal Plan. The second pillar of this plan emphasises the need for an efficient, equitable, and quality health system that enhances care delivery at all levels.

Addressing the workforce scarcity at Warawa PHC necessitates a multifaceted approach, encompassing the recruitment of more healthcare professionals, with a focus on hiring women and field workers. These efforts will not only bolster the number of staff but also cater to the cultural requirements of privacy in rural areas, ensuring that everyone receives the best possible care.

Therefore, the Warawa community are calling for.

The provision of essential drugs and commodities to serve the growing health demands of the community.

Recruitment of more health professionals at Warawa PHC with a specific emphasis on recruiting female healthcare personnel.

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