Liberia Association of Medical Laboratory Technology Concludes Board Exam for Over One Hundred Students Across Liberia

Paynesville — The Liberia Association of Medical Laboratory Technology (LAMLT) has completed a Two-day annual Board exam for one hundred and twenty-two (122) students across the fifteen counties in Liberia.

Speaking after the two-day Board Exams in Paynesville, over the weekend, the president of the Liberia Association of Medical Laboratory Technology Franklin O. Tokpah, lauded participants from accredited institutions from the various counties for participating in the national board exams.

Mr. Tokpah underscored the need for all health students to sit the national board exams to obtain a medical license, something he said, that the board exams are an annual exercise that is accredited to all healthcare institutions in the Country.

The president also used the occasion to caution parents to send their child or children to an institution that is recognized by the Board, something he said will also allow them to work professionally in any institution in and across the Country.

He at the same time called on students to refrain from those institutions that are not recognized by the Board, something he said that those students who will graduate from those unrecognized institutions will not sit the board exams but rather take serious action on those institutions without a license.

According to him, the Liberia Association of Medical Laboratory Technology (LAMLT) is encouraging all healthcare institutions to employ people who are certified and have licenses from standard institutions that are recognized and in good standing, and failure to do so, the board will take serious action on those institutions.

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