Former Liberian ex-fighter turned-evangelist, Joshua Milton Blayi, aka "Gen. Butt Naked" replies critics here, after returning home safely from Nairobi, Kenya where he had gone to treat kidney disease, saying death is not a punishment from God.
Fresh from "Solutions hospital" in Kenya, appearing healthy on Thursday, March 13, 2025, after several weeks of reported deteriorated kidney condition, Evangelist Blayi reacts strongly against those who had wished him dead because of his role in the Liberian Civil War.
He slams critics, saying that he survived the storms of life and that his battle with a critical kidney condition wasn't God's will that he should die because of his involvement in the Liberian Civil War.
"I thank God I'm back; I want to say thanks to God almighty I'm back, and in good health. People believe that death is God's punishment. Death cannot be God's punishment because it is appointed on all men once to die, and by God's grace, he rescued us", the rebel general-turned-evangelist says.
He reiterates that critics thought he would have died in his ailment because of his past life and involvement in the Liberian Civil war, emphasizing that death is not a punishment for man but an appointment for every man.
"People believe that death is a punishment for man, but death is not; the true punishment of God comes after death, and that is judgment. So, if whatsoever I have done and when judgment day comes, and God decides to punish me, he will send me to hell, not just death, and when he forgives me, he will send me to heaven. So, Liberians should stop thinking that way."
General Butt Naked, as he was popularly called at the battle front, has been seeking redemption from his past by establishing a public ministry that focuses on his penitence, as he seeks out those whose lives he has affected, while helping to transform disadvantaged or drugs-addicted youths and ex-fighters.
Upon his return last Thursday, Evan Blayi commended Liberians for standing by him during his sickness.
"Some Liberians were praying for me, and I want to say thanks for your prayers; they have kept me alive, and I'm back stronger," he says.
He calls on the national government to help elevate public health facilities in the country to save the lives of Liberians while decrying the civil war that has pushed the country's health sector backward, leaving citizens in dire need of improved health services.
Evangelist Joshua Milton Blayi fought for the disbanded rebels ULIMO-J of the late General Roosevelt Johnson and gained the nick-name "Butt Naked", for going to battle against his enemies striped-naked.