Nigeria: Alleged Temperature Surge Due to Equinox - Katsina Climate Change Agency Cautions Against Panic

press release

"While acknowledging the fact that there exists a celestial incidence called Equinox, the Katsina State Climate Change Secretariat however wishes to inform the general public; especially the people of Katsina state that there is no cause for alarm whatsoever.

The Katsina State Secretariat on Climate Change (KSSCC) has stated that it has taken note of a claim and temperature alert/advisory being circulated on social media across Nigeria that there would be a celestial incidence called Equinox (in next few days) from the 21st to 23rd of March 2025 in which: "

Based on the trending alert, the sun will come very close to the earth and beam its rays directly on the equator while the temperature will be between 45 and 50 degrees in Nigeria. Hence Nigerians were advised to: one, avoid direct contact with sunlight (especially for prolonged periods) as much as possible and secondary hydrate well (drink a lot of water).

The advisory in the social media further counseled the Nigerian public to dress with heat sensitive clothing (short sleeves, light clothing, light coloured), avoid overcrowded settings, ensure proper ventilation to prevent Meningitis and double or triple the amount of water for children.

Against the backdrop of the advisory in the social, the KSSCC issued its own caution as follows: "While acknowledging the fact that there exists a celestial incidence called Equinox, the Katsina State Climate

Change Secretariat however wishes to inform the general public; especially the people of Katsina state that there is no cause for alarm whatsoever. We wish to state that such occurrence is a normal astronomical event and happens twice yearly (March and September).

"However, the claim that the sun is coming very close to Earth is false and misleading. Our experts have confirmed that the Earth's distance from the sun varies slightly due to its elliptical orbit, but the closest point (perihelion) occurs in January, not March and does not cause any harm.

"Similarly, the claim that temperature will reach between 45 and 50 degrees is also exaggerated. While Nigeria experiences high temperatures during its dry season (February-April), however 45-50°C is extremely rare. The average March temperatures range from 30-40°C.

"There is also no credible meteorological forecast predicting 50°C in Nigeria for March 20-22, 2024. Such extreme heat would break historical records. Katsina State Climate Change Secretariat posits that while the temperature claim is exaggerated, the recommendations for heat safety are generally valid for dry land areas such as Katsina state, therefore the safety tips in the advisory are reasonable precautions for typical hot/dry weather in March.

"Citizens in Katsina state should avoid prolonged sun exposure in order to prevent heatstroke risk. Staying hydrated is also recommended in this season. Other precautionary advice like wearing light clothes, light colours and loose fabrics are also timely. Avoidance of congestion is also recommended in the hot season as overcrowded spaces trap heat and increase dehydration risk.

"Similarly, poor ventilation exacerbates heat-related illnesses; which could increase transmission risk for Meningitis. Katsina Climate Secretariat is therefore calling on the public to follow the above safety tips, but disregard the sensationalized claims about extreme temperatures or the sun's proximity. We advise that people stay informed by checking on accurate weather forecasts from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET).

"It may interest the public to know that the Katsina state government under the able leadership of Malam Dikko Umaru Radda is paying maximum attention to the welfare of the populace and especially related to possible challenges of climate change. Part of the 2025 proactive measures to safeguard Katsina people and their livelihood against climate change issues of temperature, rainfall, windstorm and floods was the decision of the government in arranging a step-down capacity building trainings of government officials handling agricultural development, water resources management, forestry and livestock production.

"The capacity building and preparatory training against disruptive weather eventualities in urban and rural areas of Katsina state is also to cover relevant staff at local government level, as well as recently invigorated teams of agricultural extension officers across the state. In the same vein, the state Governor has strengthened a collaboration with international development partners (UNDP) to establish high resolution and smart weather stations in the three senatorial zones of the state.

"This commendable effort will position Katsina to be self-reliant in real time monitoring of temperature and other weather elements across the state; instead of relying on outside sources. As forestry and agro forestry remain a dependable means of combating climate change, the state Governor has repositioned the state's forestry department by relocating it to the ministry of environment and making a huge budgetary approvals for raising of seedling towards a new programme introduced as social forestry.

"A designed intervention of tree plantations to serve as windbreakers against windstorms, as well as shelter belts against advancement of desert are at various stages of implementation. These interventions are capable of ameliorating ambient temperatures by 10 Degrees, as well as sequestration of carbon dioxide in millions of tons. The proactive decision of the Katsina state government in water harvesting is also worth mentioning here.

"It is now the determination of the state government to trap and retain at-least 40% of the annual rainfall in the state. This will enable abundance of ground and surface water for various uses such as irrigation farming; where the government has an ambitious target of scaling it up to 400% between 2025 and 2027.

"While calling on the people of Katsina state to be climate-response-ambassadors, we wish to convey the unrelenting determination of the Executive Governor in protection of the people from both natural and economic shocks; while prioritising on the welfare and security of the entire state.

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