Liberia: Will Liberian Young Generation/Youths/Young People Ever Learn?


The question, "Will Liberian young generation/youths/young people ever learn?" reverberates through the consciousness of many who observe the political landscape of Liberia.

This question is not merely rhetorical; it embodies a deep-seated concern regarding the trajectory of the nation's youth/young people and their choices, especially regarding the support of leaders with dubious records.

Young people/youths in Liberia have the potential to reshape their society.

Yet, they opt to champion those who have repeatedly proven to be suppressors, abusers of their dreams and aspirations.

Understanding the Context:

Liberian society has historically been fraught with turmoil, including upheavals, political instability, and economic despair.

Young people constitute a substantial part of the population and are expected to spearhead change, grasp opportunities, and build a brighter future.

However, the reality is grim. Many young people find themselves aligning with leaders who have tainted histories, men and women who have been complicit in violence, abuse, corruption, and the impeding of their progress as the future leaders of the Land of Liberty.

The support of these figures raises urgent questions about what it means to be a young person in Liberia today.

The term "money-eating hyenas-crocodiles" encapsulates the essence of the portrayal of these leaders.

They are viewed as predatory, but instead of fostering growth and development, they devour resources, leaving the populace in a perpetual state.

By standing behind such figures who openly abused their parents, the youths/young people of Liberia are not merely enabling destructive behavior; they are, in essence, sabotaging their futures and the prospects of their intellectual peers.

These dynamic warrants a closer examination of the reasons behind such support and whether Liberia's youths/young people can learn from history and the current socio-political climate.

The Cycle of Disillusionment:

One fundamental issue is the disillusionment of the younger generation. Having grown up in an environment where trust in governance has been eroded, many youths/young people appear to lack a framework of values that champions integrity and accountability.

The trauma of past no-sense conflicts leaves a political void quickly filled by charismatic leaders, regardless of their past transgressions.

The allure of a strong leader who promises quick solutions sometimes outweighs the call for ethical governance.

Moreover, there exists a pervasive culture of opportunism within the political sphere.

Leaders, aware of the vulnerabilities of youths/young people, often employ strategies to appeal to them, leveraging economic hardships and offering short-term incentives(beg of rice, cooked food, $25.00, big lies, t-shirts, etc.).

These strategies may include handouts (see above), job promises, or cash distributions during electoral campaigns.

While the immediate gains may seem enticing, they usually come with the caveat of supporting individuals whose actions are unlikely to result in sustained

societal impairment.

This is exacerbated by the youths/young people's lack of political education.

Many do not possess a comprehensive understanding of their rights, the implications of supporting confident leaders, or the power dynamics at play.

Without this knowledge, they quickly become pawns in a game where their futures are negotiated without them.

They cling to the hope that aligning with the powerful will lead to personal gain, often overlooking the broader systemic issues.

The Role of Education and Scholarship:

If youths and young people are to break free from this cycle, education must play a pivotal role in their development.

The painful truth is that many outstanding, talented young people/youths have been denied opportunities, such as scholarships to study abroad, that could empower them as contributors to society.

These scholarships are gateways to knowledge, innovation, and skills essential for societal advancement.

When successful individuals return with new experiences, they become catalysts for change and positively influence their communities.

The failure of government(past and maybe current(since they have just been in power for one year and a few months, we are watching))and societal structures to provide these opportunities raise critical moral questions about the obligations of those in power toward the younger generation.

Its leaders often seem interested in maintaining their grip on power rather than fostering a new generation of thinkers and doers.

This defeatist cycle leads the young generation to interpret their lack of opportunities as a sign that their needs and aspirations are unimportant.

Consequently, when the youths/young turn to support figures with criminal backgrounds, it often stems from a desperate attempt to reclaim agency, albeit misguidedly.

Misguided Loyalty and Its Consequences:

The consequences of supporting leaders with criminal records cannot be understated.

By aligning themselves with individuals who have a history of perpetrating harm, including political corruption and violence, the youth inadvertently reinforce a systemic issue that has caused untold suffering.

This naive loyalty can create an environment where ethical governance is continually undermined, hampering progress and innovation.

There is an inherent paradox; by clinging to these flawed leaders, the youth may believe they are protecting their futures, yet they undermine any potential for genuine change.

Instead of rising to leadership, they perpetuate a cycle in which subpar governance standards become normalized.

The idea that success comes from association with power, even if that power is tainted, leads them down an unproductive path.

The stark reality is that supporting "money-eating hyenas-crocodiles" entrenches a political culture antithetical to the values of development, accountability, and integrity.

A society thrives when its leaders are held to high ethical standards, and the youths/young people are empowered to demand more than mere transactional relationships based on handouts or short-term gains.

The Path to Empowerment:

To truly advance as a society, the Liberian young generation must cultivate a political consciousness that transcends the allure of power tied to corruption.

They must advocate for real change, support individuals committed to building sustainable futures, and root out the practices that have led to their disillusionment.

Civic engagement, community organization, and grassroots movement involvement must become integral to the youth culture.

Investing in education, particularly political literacy, will equip youths/young people with the tools to dissect political narratives and voter manipulation strategies.

It should be imperative for the young generation to participate in workshops, seminars, and active participation to learn how governance works and to understand legislation, rights, and responsibilities.

By empowering themselves with knowledge, they will be better positioned to demand ethical behavior from their leaders and ultimately transform Liberia's political landscape.

In conclusion, "Will Liberian young generation/youths/young people ever learn?" is a question worth pondering deeply.

It encapsulates a moment of frustration and a plea for self-awareness and change. The challenge for Liberia's youth lies in navigating the tightrope of political disillusionment and forging a new pathway rooted in integrity, accountability, and empowerment.

The need to move forward in their pursuit of a better life is critical, and it hinges on their ability to challenge the status quo and reject leaders who have consistently failed them.

The journey will not be easy, but the youth needs to break free from the grips of the "money-eating hyenas" and push for change that prioritizes their future.

The young Liberian generation must learn that true power comes not from aligning with corrupt figures but from being the architects of their destinies and fostering a society that honors the integrity and aspirations of all.

Only then can they hope to build a nation that nurtures its young generation and propels them toward a prosperous future.

Austin S Fallah-a True Son of the Planet Earth Soil:

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