Poaching Threatens Sierra Leone's Small-Scale Fishermen

With a high unemployment rate, fishing is one of the few options left for Sierra Leonean youth . But pirate fishers and an uninterested government are threatening their livelihood.
  • Sierra Leone:   Poaching Threatens Fishing

    RNW Africa, 23 October 2012

    Living in a country with a 70 percent youth unemployment rate, fishing along the long Atlantic Coast is one of the few options left for Sierra Leonian youth in terms of work. But… Read more »

Greenpeace helps tackle overfishing in West Africa.

  • Sierra Leone:   Fish Shortage! Minister Clears the Air

    Concord, 7 August 2012

    Contrary to claims by some fishing vessel agents that the implementation of various reforms by the ministry of fisheries and marine resources to curb illegal fishing is responsible… Read more »

  • Sierra Leone:   World Bank Donates Seven Vans for Fisheries Management

    Concord, 2 August 2012

    In its drive to help address opportunities and challenges in Sierra Leone's fishing sector, the World Bank Country Manager, Vijay Pillai, Monday handed over seven new pick-up vans… Read more »

  • Sierra Leone:   NEPAD Experts Advice Govt on Fisheries

    Concord, 29 August 2012

    A member of the Aquaculture Working Group Committee of the New Partnership for Africa Development (NEPAD) and Partnership for African Fisheries (PAF), Prof. Kofi Abban, has urged… Read more »

  • Sierra Leone:   Wellington Market Women Cry for Help

    Concord, 17 September 2012

    Traders at Wellington Market in the east of Freetown have complained about their market's deteriorating structures and the poor state of the environment in which they sell saying… Read more »

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