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GE Africa (Lagos)

How the Digital Industrial Trend Will Impact Africa

"Until the beginning of this century, the only way to repair or gain detailed information about the status of any operating industrial equipment was to be standing right in front of that equipment ... in order to inspect it or fix it," says the Chief Information Officer for GE Africa, Abu Sulemana. "Today, by embedding smart sensors in these equipment, and connecting them to the internet, we are now able to virtualise this maintenance task" and "... can now fix equipment and proactively monitor their performance thousands of miles away." Read more. More about GE in Africa in this BRIEFING.

“It may sound counter-intuitive, but digital solutions are perfect for a continent where access to basic services such as power generation is still intermittent,” says GE’s Abu Sulemana, Chief Information Officer for GE Africa.

“Today, by embedding smart sensors in these equipment, and connecting them to the internet, we are now able to virtualise this maintenance task. We can now fix equipment and proactively monitor their performance thousands of miles away,” said Chief Information Officer for GE Africa, Abu Sulemana.


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