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Creative Associates International (Washington, DC)

What is FRAMe®? A Tool to Support Transformative Governance

Fragility - Resilience Assessment Methodology (FRAMe®) is an instrument developed by Creative Associates International and it provides citizens' perspective on how the overall governance system-state and non-state actors such as private companies, CSOs, Security and Justice intersects with the conflict dynamics and what actions are required to build resilience in each commune. Specifically, FRAMe® gathers an understanding of how functional eight dimensions of the governance system are and offers insights as to why a dimension contributes to overall resilience as reflected in seven fragility-resilience factors. Watch full video below

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What is FRAMe®? It is Creative Associates International's tool to support transformative governance. FRAMe® findings provide a deeper understanding of how the governance system, as perceived by citizens, could foster resilience, or, left unaddressed, exacerbate conflict and violence.



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