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Mastercard Foundation

25,000 Kenya MSMEs to Benefit from Interest-Free, Zero-Fee Loans

Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) and the Mastercard Foundation have entered into a partnership that will see 25,000 Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Kenya, through the Mastercard Foundation COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience Program, benefit from interest-free, zero-fee, short-term concessional loans. The COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience Program will be implemented by KNCCI through its county chapters across the 47 counties. Read more. 

More about Mastercard Foundation in Africa

Wendy Chelgat helping to drive the Kenyan economy as a passionate MSME owner of a thriving beauty shop in Nairobi

Wendy Chelgat owns a thriving beauty shop in Nairobi, Kenya. Through the Mastercard Foundation COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience Program, the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) is targeting women-owned MSMEs that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic with interest free, zero fee short-term concessional loans.


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