Content from a Premium Partner

Mastercard Foundation

Call for Start-ups to Apply to Rwanda's Tourism Inc Incubator

Inadequate skills, access to financing, and lack of role models are key challenges that prevent youth from starting and growing a business in Tourism and Hospitality in Rwanda and beyond. ESPartners (ESP) in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation's Hanga Ahazaza initiative has launched their fourth call for applications for innovative start-ups to join its Tourism Inc program, an incubator for start-ups in the Tourism and Hospitality sector in Rwanda.

Find out more about Mastercard Foundation in Africa.

“Tourism Inc has been supportive in taking my business to the next level, allowing my team to launch, and run our products with thorough guidance..." - Sandra Gatete, Co-founder of City Buddiz and a graduate of the program.

ESPartners (ESP) in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation's Hanga Ahazaza initiative has launched their fourth call for applications for innovative start-ups to join its Tourism Inc program, an incubator for start-ups in the Tourism and Hospitality sector in Rwanda.


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