The Dream of an Electric Battery Industry in the DRC Takes Flight

The DRC-Africa Business Forum 2021 started with a bang on Wednesday, November 24 in the Congolese capital, Kinshasa. The theme of the forum was the "Economic Integration of the Congolese in the Value Chain of the Electric Battery Industry through Innovative Financial Solutions." A battery of firm commitments was signed by the various stakeholders to bring about the development of an electric car battery minerals industry in the Democratic Republic of Congo two years from now.

ALLAFRICA'S FRENCH coverage: Des engagements signés pour une industrie des batteries électriques en RDC

The theme of the DRC Africa Business Forum, which took place Nov 24-25 in Kinshasa, DRC, was "Economic Integration of the Congolese in the Value Chain of the Electric Battery Industry through Innovative Financial Solutions." In his speech, the DRC President Félix Tshisekedi referenced the author Frantz Fanon when he said, “Africa is shaped like a gun and Congo is the trigger.” With its cobalt (70% of global production) & other battery minerals, the DRC must play frontline role in greening the world’s economy.

Ms. Vera Songwe, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)

Official opening of DRC-Africa Business Forum 2021 on "Developing a regional value chain around the electric battery industry and a market for electric vehicles and clean energy", November 24 in Kinshasa

Official opening of DRC-Africa Business Forum 2021 on "Developing a regional value chain around the electric battery industry and a market for electric vehicles and clean energy", November 24 in Kinshasa

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