Jeddah Talks Suspended As Sudan Ceasefire Falters

The joint United States / Saudi Arabian facilitators of the Jeddah talks between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have announced that the talks are to be suspended "as a result of repeated serious violations of the short-term ceasefire and recent ceasefire extension by the SAF and RSF", Radio Dabanga reports.

In a joint announcement, Saudi Arabia and the USA say that the violations have impeded the delivery of humanitarian assistance and restoration of essential services that are the purpose of the short-term ceasefire. "While discussions are paused, the facilitators remind the parties that they remain bound to their obligations under the May 11 Jeddah Declaration of Commitment to Protect the Civilians of Sudan and the May 29 five-day ceasefire extension."

Earlier (on May 31, 2023), the SAF announced their withdrawal from further participation in the talks, because of "repeated RSF violations".

On June 1, 2023, the U.S. imposed visa restrictions on "specific individuals in Sudan, including officials from the SAF, RSF, and leaders from the former Omar Al Bashir regime, responsible for, or complicit in, undermining Sudan's democratic transition". U.S; sanctions have also been imposed on four companies "generating revenue from, and contributing to, the conflict in Sudan".

Over a million people have been displaced and hundreds killed since fighting between the SAF and RSF began in April, 2023. Hundreds of thousands of people have crossed into neighbouring countries to seek refuge.


Sudanese refugees collect relief items distributed by UNICEF and its partners in Kounfroun, Chad (file photo).

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