Gabon Unveils Transitional Govt

The military junta in Gabon led by General Brice Oligui Nguema has set a two-year transition period to democracy and military cooperation with France. Nguema has appointed former opposition leaders and key figures from the ousted regime to both houses of parliament.

The new Senate will be led by Paulette Missambo, one of Bongo's leading rivals during the election and head of the National Union party. Jean-Francois Ndongou, who held numerous ministerial posts under the Bongo family's decades in power, will be speaker of the transitional National Assembly.

Four vice-presidents - army officers, politicians who opposed and supported Bongo as well as civil society figures - were named for each house. The military leader is also expected to appoint 70 members of the assembly and 50 of the senate.


Raymond Ndong Sima returns to the Prime Ministery (file photo).

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