Introducing hand2hand - a Web-based International Money Transfers Service

3 May 2002
Content from a Premium Partner
hand2hand (Johannesburg)
press release

Johannesburg — hand2hand is a global network, offering a whole new approach to making international money transfers a better experience for customers. The hand2hand international money transfer service is delivered directly to customers via the Internet for credit card transaction or alternatively through a worldwide network of agents for all cash transactions. Customers can also choose to either collect their money through the friendly hand2hand agents network or have their money transferred directly into their Century bank account.

hand2hand international Money Transfers service offers the following benefits:

* Internet access worldwide

* A secure website with a secure gateway connection

* A network of agents - up to 200 to send and to receive from

* A caring approach with the friendliest service

* The most affordable commissions

* Convenience and speed - money delivered within 10 minutes of being send

* Cash disbursements

* Transfers to both rural and urban areas in Africa

hand2hand international money transfers service is targeted at anyone who has a need to send money from abroad into Africa or receive money in Africa from abroad. Target customers include students, tourists, businesses and people who work abroad and require a convenient and a secure money transfer service to send money back home to support their families.

hand2hand is a product of Century International of South Africa. To find out more about hand2hand International Money Transfers, visit our website at or email us at

Transfer your money around the world in our hands. Hand2hand International Money Transfers, handled with Care!


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