Roundtable - Energy and Natural Resources in the Mediterranean - Investing in our Shared Future

24 November 2008
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

The event is being organized by AfDB and the International EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) Secretariat, at the Sheraton Hotel in Tunis from 25-26 November 2008. The meeting will be opened by AfDB President, Donald Kaberuka.

The roundtable includes participants from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, France, Italy, Spain, and Norway. The aim of the meeting is to provide a platform for senior government officials and company representatives from the Mediterranean region to discuss opportunities and challenges in the trade of natural resources across the Mediterranean, and to consider the benefits which the EITI can bring to further enhance resource management, economic growth, and secure energy supply in the region.

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